
@thetunecatt: Scoot on over, I'm in the same boat — Netflix made me do it.

zOMG she's PRECIOUS!! /squeeeeeze

That's awesome!

@CrankyOldBroad: Seriously, I second and third that!


You know....this chick has the same birthday as Steve Jobs. In astrology, it says that people born on this date are considered somewhat of a "Guru". Given the events above, I could see how this would be true. ;)

Did she get a medal, or just recognition? I tried to Google it, but the named actors and musicians didn't include the above. I adore her! :(

@OprahBabb: I shouldn't like, I am not sorry.

I am sorry, but there are plenty of Musicians who go on hiatus and come back refreshed and still kick ass. To Whitney: Being Whitney Houston does NOT give you a pass. Diva? No more.

/growls Bra-a-a-ins.....

@RiloKilo: When I was a senior in high school, my English teacher was fresh out of college and just started her teaching career at 22. She was very attractive and many of the jocks would hit on her on a daily basis. However, this did not stop her from doing her job, nor telling them to settle down and keep things HR

Yay! Go South Korea! /arm pump

Daaaaaaaaayum! That has got to be the greatest picture of Michelle Obama to date. Yeowza!

Anyone a fan of [PageOnce.com] (?) Somewhat of the same concept (everything on one start page and links to other pages).

@Baby beater Benz: Heart you. For writing that detailed post and for sentences such as, "In fact, I've found, by putting my greasy head up against the driver's window, if I can just see the side of the car, then it's perfect...for pretty much any vehicle."

For some reason, my screen did not look exactly like the one above. In order to [Turn Off Buzz], I had to use the TIIIIIIINY link located to the very bottom of the page. Very much the same place you would find the "Unsubscribe" link in email spam. (Go figure.)

@MikeRox: So the kiddo's that are playing LeapFrog (or whatever that thing is called...) are they considered gamers in training? Is there a minimum age one must be in order to be considered a gamer?

I use the OmniFocus app for iPhone. You can set projects, and contexts and with the built-in Maps feature, can even view all of your To Do lists by location.

@♥ dosido☮: AMEN.

@OneTwoPunch: Seriously! At first I thought the wax model was the real Heidi — then I took a third look. :)