OPPOsaurus WRX

its wonderfully awesome

rear engine of course.

if i was going to get 4 doors i’d want a cab-over version

An allroad...... O wait, he said only half broken

when he mentions death and concentration camp he knows what he is doing. there is a big difference between earth is flat and this is how people interpret a word. so fuck off

i’m actually a fish, i’l literally in school 100% of the time so i’m constantly educated.


i’m sure your grandmother would agree that the two are nowhere near the same and if anything, by giving the two the same name would be lessening what happened to her. The German camps have always been refereed to as concentration camps (along with other names) but may people immediately associate concentration camps

yep, lets change the way most people do something because you disagree.

umm fuck off ?

yes.  that is what I should have gone with and left the rest out if it.  

i’m sure there are exceptions to this, but are the MAJORITY of the people in these camps US citizen of the US?

i mean seems like he got kinda side tracked, maybe he did need a reminder.... or maybe the space plane is killing kids from space and i’m wrong.

ok so that is a couple, i’m sure there were more, but how many thousands, maybe millions died of gas, forced labor, torture, or just because the guard had a bad day?

in technical language it may be a ‘concentration camp’ but this quote from the article you linked “Most people associate concentration camps with the systematic extermination of the Jews” is what my point is and why they shouldn’t be called that. In the common writing, which is your post, it could be misleading.  On

its not a nice place but far from a concentration camp.

ruling the buffet, like anything else, just comes down to proper preparation

The other night i was out showing my daughters Jupiter. They also got to see the ISS and couldn’t believe it was about 20 times higher than ithe distance to their grandparents house. They thought that was cool but they were far more excited about the fireflies.

For some reason i missed where it talks about the size in the article. I thought it was about the size of a football field which i think is about the same size as the ISS. but, weren’t a lot of people complaining about the Starlink satellites and being able to see all those up and the sky and how it would ruin the

can you see this thing in the sky like you can with the ISS?