OPPOsaurus WRX

so what are owners supposed to do at this point? I have one and at my last oil leak noticed some trans fluid leaking. I get the chattering and slow shifts on occasion but its not as bad as people make it out to be. I am a little worried about the leak but I’ve been putting off going to the dealer because i don’t know

I had Chinese for breakfast at Miami airport on my way to Jamaica. I was sprinting to the bathroom during take off. The stewardess told me i must return to my seat until she saw the horror in my eyes. She new there was no stopping it and allowed me to finish my mad dash to the toilet which made just in time. what came

sounds like you have never been to Florida

how to deal with the munchies? I usually go after the spicy chicken nuggets int he freezer.

It could be worse

Now playing

if you like that, then you will like this:

this is a combination of bad driving, bad policy, and bad highway design. Rt3 is only 2 lanes once you get further south. It can’t handle the volume of traffic so they open the breakdown lane for traffic during rush hours. Some people don’t like traveling in the breakdown lane so they pretend that rule doesn’t exist.

That was the plan if I won that billion dollar jackpot. 


there is more where that came from

that body style needs to happen more

nope, its flat and the sun is always opposite it

no one listen to him, he doesn’t get it.

lunch break, let me heat up my leftover spaghetti and meatballs from last night and see whats happening on Giz..... aw WTF. I need a new lunch.

Space space is dark.  Closets are dark. Dark side of the Moon is dark and an excellent album.

Nah man it's dark. Cant see

I thought it was the Nazis that's really back there

shadow is coming to the flash?