OPPOsaurus WRX

Those are obviously not aliens. Those are the xl chemtrails being distributed into the upper atmosphere

Tailgating is bad for traffic, very very bad. I think I came out a little better than the other guy tho.

Damn !!!!!! when comment of the day becomes thread of the day.

is the roof rack standard or optional equipment

Allroad leaking airbag. Near freezing temperatures, rain, wind. The cover eventually was blown onto the hood of the Corolla.

this is near my office (altho its Quincy)

I had a woman call me ugly because i beeped at her. She closely cut me off, without signalling. I’m not exactly the best looking guy, but she looked to be about 20 yrs older with a significant amount or wrinkles so......

after the video cut, he skewered that thing and had himself a nice roadside BBQ

how about something like, “i’ll pass on the sweet potatoes (or whatever) they make me instantly shit typhoons” no one will insist take a single bite of it.

it would be debatable if life would be worth living at that point. I love red meat.

as someone who has has Lyme twice, fuck ticks. burn them, nuke them, shoot them with shot guns. I dont care, kill them all.

is that a body part we see sliding along in the video?

it was the original. That doesn’t make things look good for the original

I put The Blob on last night and my wife made it half way through before walking out of the room saying the movie was crap. I at least finished it, but shes right, and the movie only got worse after she left.

i want a shooting brake version

Why would they not include a picture of the motor, which is the top selling point of this thing?

I initially failed the class portion of Drivers Ed. The teacher only counted how many pages of notes we took and graded us based on page count. Even doing a side by side comparison showing I had the same notes as a friend, just in smaller print did not work. I had to rewrite the entire notebook in massive lettering to

no way, I heard he had a Raptor 8x8

Really? I thought they would ride in something a little more luxurious

this is totally real. i didn’t photoshop it at all....