I had a woman call me ugly because i beeped at her. She closely cut me off, without signalling. I’m not exactly the best looking guy, but she looked to be about 20 yrs older with a significant amount or wrinkles so......
after the video cut, he skewered that thing and had himself a nice roadside BBQ
how about something like, “i’ll pass on the sweet potatoes (or whatever) they make me instantly shit typhoons” no one will insist take a single bite of it.
is that a body part we see sliding along in the video?
Why would they not include a picture of the motor, which is the top selling point of this thing?
I initially failed the class portion of Drivers Ed. The teacher only counted how many pages of notes we took and graded us based on page count. Even doing a side by side comparison showing I had the same notes as a friend, just in smaller print did not work. I had to rewrite the entire notebook in massive lettering to…
all I want in a car is for it to heat up as much as possible so when I have to pack the kids in they can all scream and whine about an interior that is 120*
If the 500 is a ghost, then the driveway across the street from me is haunted
I love soups. I discover Tom Kha Gai because i ordered some other soup and the place was out and recommended that. The broth is half chicken broth and half coconut milk. It is made with only chicken and mushrooms. I found this to be pretty unfulfilling so I started thinking of other Thai dished like stir fries and…
HOAs only exist for the kids who got picked on in high school can pretend they have power and can take it out others. HOAs are not created to stop drug dealers, that is what the police are for. Anyone who chooses to live in an HOA get what they deserve
maybe if they had a stage 2 short throw Cobb shifter they could have avoided this
I was waiting for the street to rip up and blow away
tip #4: be excited about your career.
I do something like this except I probably take it a little further. Insted of ‘after dinner or never’ its more like after dinner or I’ll throw all the cookies out and burn down the cookie factory (ok that last part might be an exaggeration)
kinda looks like a chinese hummer knockoff