OPPOsaurus WRX

everything should have the full body design

Eh, add Allroad to the name and its gunna break down day 1-1000

you do realize this is literally a joke right?

the insurance company would call it an act of god and tell you to go f yourself

exactly what I was thinking.

is related news, scientists expect sightings of the Ghost of Tom Joad to increase 175%

Can we do this with ticks? F those things. I’ve had more than my fair share of Lyme. They can all burn in hell

there is something about that imagine that screams photoshop

I work for an architect. The standard size parking space is 9'x18'. I don’t think that is going to work any more.

well there was also that little mess called Chernobyl.

I moved into a new house this past Friday ans was greeted with the dead battery beep upon stepping inside for the first time.

what about those vents?

First it’s called a kegorator.

we have our girls’ 5th Bday party sunday. they have some kids from pre-school coming. what do we do?

i saw in the notifications “i have a rough rendering” and I thought ‘its gunna be that guy riding a bomb’...... yep

I like your thinking, provided I live. I want schematics on my desk by 0800

how hard would it be to convert one of these to passenger duties?

tall grass is more attractive to ticks

owning this. I got a new job with a company car, so I sold it to get a better family vehicle for my wife and kids since I wasn’t driving it anymore. I change jobs, and no longer have the company car. A WRX is no longer in the budget. Nothing else will fullfill that space. That car has ruined every other car for

I think my old Sport Trac had the Torsion bar set-up too.