OPPOsaurus WRX

he’ll stop one day. very very quickly.

i spent 99% of driving in traffic. it was fine. it provided entertainment for an otherwise boring as shit drive.

hell yea!!!!!!

looks like your average Russian dash cam compilation video

if you were over the challenger deep, and you had a piece of granite, 1' cube, how long would it take to hit the bottom of the ocean?

unfortunately, anyone who knows, never mind drives an LM002 is a rare person

as an architect I’ve dealt with wealthy people. One guy has a nice looking Range Rover. I asked if it was the Supercharged edition. His response was “i dont know.” There is no way in hell those people would even know never mind care how much HP their car has. All they want to know is if it will make them look

its amazing how you can see the atmosphere affecting the light from the moon in the video

I was hoping for a Continental on an F350 chassis

car time? that looks like a hovercraft....

My user name disagrees

what about the I-12?

I was at an esports bar in Montreal.  This whole thing blew my mind. I had no idea this was something that existed nevermind to be able to fill a sports center and have an entire bar event with noise tubes and other crap like what you would expect for a superbowl.

he made my day tho... so theres that.



o man if he hit me like that i would hunt him down wut as piece of shit

i know your not going to like this, but a camry is a good one to try. you can always fix it and sell it for something more interesting to try for level two. I’ve been working on my Allroad and my brother-in-laws Camry. the camry is stupid easy to do everything. the allroad.....

This is no good for me. If 211 is the average, I’m the guy that offsets vegans

there must be 1,000 fist holes in Goodell’s walls