OPPOsaurus WRX

i wonder when everyone else gets to find out

Racing stripes at a Toyota dealership? Must have been a trade in.

I think mines pretty far out front

that must make for a tragic event if you were to rear end someone.

maybe this will be a start of a new thing, honorable mention for most incorrect answer


sure theres a lot that isn;t real but the only part that really bothered me was the flatbed jump.

Yeah! I'm below average!!!!

Run Forrest Run

go sit

Just in time for summer, the new Tesla Model S Droptop! Tesla can't let the BMW 6-Series Convertible have all the fun.

mmm nice.... u know that what he's thinking

so this woman most likely paid a small fortune to go to Africa and take a Safari just to video this with a phone?!?

next up Jalopnik to Review for Unnecessary Greyed Accounts. Please man I've asked like 5 times by now.

I would. aren't gas fumes not good for you haha

i've seen that type of situation in the back seat of a camry. The thing almost looked like a lowrider leaving the parkinglot

my wife would like an application as well. We drove past a Corvette meetup yesterday and she couldn't deal with more than a quick glance and 'yes, cars, very nice' and back to her phone

ah crap that's what I ment

I'm pretty jealous I can't go up there.