
Paris Hilton?!?!?! And......stop.

A 5'7" woman with a maximum weight of 120 pounds. Yeah okay dude.

I can’t believe he listed her as a favorite. Does he not realize how tall she is?!

“Some of my favorite DJs are female!...including this chick whose name I don’t even know.”

You are one of my favorites. There’s a lot of this type of information I am unaware of as well and you are always succinct and polite in your responses. (Also you are a wizard hat and I have mad respect for that. I imagine you as a Carmen SanDiego/Merlin mix.)

How annoying of us to give a shit what is downloaded and installed on our computers.

Not going to Either. We don’t like forced ecosystems. We don’t like touch interfaces nor dumbed down OS or app functionality, If I wanted apps would use smartphone. MS isn’t gonna Nickel & Dime me

*raises hand* I would be one of that crowd.

Odds are these stores are going to be 20% store / 80% warehouse to improve their same day (or 2 hour) delivery service

I like what works. I’m on 8.1 myself but only because I haven’t been able to my Gamecomm 788 headset to work properly in Windows 10. Tried twice had to downgrade both times. I’m just questioning the term aggressive. I think of aggressive as how Apple does their iPhone updates. Do you want to update? How about later?

People have preferences. Trying something new is completely irrelevant, they like what they like, and don’t like what they don’t. Just like you like what you like and don’t like what you don’t like. And it being automatically downloaded via windows update IS a huge deal. That means it’s installed along with the rest

As a woman who didn’t speak of being raped to my friends let alone the police prior to the Cosby publicity, I can attest that the public spotlight on the issue made it much easier to broach the subject with friends. In turn this resulted in me finding out that more than one of my friends had experienced similar

Well it is super frustrating when Win 10 isn’t fully compatible with your system, but the upgrade reminders keeps popping up and telling you that it is.

Who are they annoying? Are they annoying you across the Internet with words and opinions?

Well that’s not a very nice thing to say.

So you have no qualms about participating in a system of homophobia that leaves people dead? If you wanted to hurt someone you knew was homophobic you’d call them a faggot on Twitter?

Plenty of hetero men like assplay! It’s homophobic to assume it’s something only gay men indulge in. It was only ten-fifteen years ago that any man who wanted to have anal sex with his girlfriend was accused of being secretly gay...

The local government in Flint wasn’t in charge of this water situation, all decisions and power lay with the emergency financial managers appointed by the governor. When an emergency manager is appointed they supplant all other elected government officials. From that point on the mayor and city council of Flint were

Indeed. I’m a West Michigan resident myself (and conservative to boot). I would like the state surplus spent in its entirety on correcting this problem, regardless of who is at fault. We need to make it happen, make it happen fast, and make it happen right. We’ll have plenty of time deciding who to blame when people

As someone who lives forty minutes south of Flint, and is on Detroit water, it’s sad to see the mismanagement that led to this. The emergency manager program was a misguided attempt to wag a finger at poor old Flint for not being responsible with its money. A Republican governor and legislature that broke a city and