
I do not believe for a second you know what you’re talking about.

I’m not sure how true all of this is but for now let’s say everything you said is correct (which it probably is). My problem is I’m not even sure how much this is going to help poor people.

“supervision options including daily check-ins, text-message reminders and required drug or behavioral therapy.”

Especially, especially when you consider that these are people who HAVE NOT YET BEEN CONVICTED. Not that criminals deserve the inhumane conditions you describe either. But to think that a completely innocent person would lose their job because they are sitting in jail unable to make bail is baffling.

3/4 of the people in NYC jails are waiting for trial and are too poor to post bail? I’d say this is overdue. Maybe reducing the population there will free up money in the budget for other things, like basic quality of life, human rights type stuff. The cells should not be over 100 degrees or lacking running water.

I’m cynical enough to wonder if photoshop had a hand in that tone.

Oregon’s Catholic Conference also opposed the bill, saying it would “encourage sexual activity” among young people.

They say that a sister fantasy only exists for someone who has never had a sister.

What do women want?

I think the key to finding this hot is to not actually have a stepbrother and/or effectively not picturing him.

I just love the visual of 500 lawyers showing up and being all “HELL NO!”.

Parenting - you’re doing it right.

We live on the border and 3 year old saw a local news report of the piñatas being made across and shouted “I want that! I will hit that man and candy will fall out!” Yes you will, baby, yes you will...

why don’t you just eat sugared butter if that’s all you’re after?

Paula Deen’s entire career is based on this simple yet accurate principle.

Oh my god! I may be allergic to red! I am one of those people I hate!

Important question: is this a psychological thing where the red freaks you out, or do you just not like the taste of meat that hasn’t been turned into shoe leather?

People who like red velvet cake are the same people who like ranch dressing.

If I sleep on my back, I will snore because my tits will choke me out.