
Right? And when I choose not to hate gay or trans people, I’m the hypocrite picking and choosing.

Ahhh, sorry, my funny bone appears to be malfunctioning today :)

Oh my god, that is insane!!!

I believe she was trying to illustrate the lengths some women are willing to go conceal tampons...

I’m old enough to give zero fucks if anyone knows I have my period. My hubby, who’s usually really good about these things, asked why I had a bunch of tampons stuffed in my car cup holder. I looked him dead in the eye and said, “Because for one week every month blood gushes out of my vagina.” And he stupidly asked,

Sorry :( It’s always weird to see how far money goes in different parts of the country.

But how would the man gain legal access to the woman’s medical records? I can only see this as paving the way for men being able to sue women who abort their babies and the doctors who care for them. So scary and gross.

Holy crap! We live in a smallish town and pay $800/month for a four bedroom, one and a half bath house with a huge yard... guess I won’t be moving ever!

Agreed. I her mom will be lucky to ever see her again after she turns 18.

We really worried about these things really negatively affecting her but she has a really good head on her shoulders and a large support base, including us, her mom’s family and friends (they know what her mom is like) and a young adult mentor that went through the same thing. Add we’re already planning on paying for

It was always something when she was younger. The absolute worst was a few years ago when my kid was tearfully telling me she was okay with no Christmas presents and having to sell the house as long as they had money for food. I was so WTF because at that point her mom was making more than my husband and self put

DUDE! My step kids mom got married to a foreigner, told the kid, then totally denied it to my husband. Not a “none of your business”, which I would have understood, but “no, that did not happen at all, I don’t know why she’s telling you this”. Went on for almost year until the kid tearfully told me, “Why is my mommy

My husband’s ex that he shares a daughter with is very manipulative and controlling. She was also NOT happy when he became engaged to me, a brand new college grad that had landed a really good job and was ten years younger than them. According to her, she was the reliable, good one and he was the stupid loser who

So did you ask??? What did she say?

She actually responded to one of my comments once!!! If only Adultosaur or Gin and Tonic would... I could die happy :)

I LOVE roasted Brussels sprouts! I make them at home and my kids eat them like crazy.

It’s also about the Duggar’s so... no, probably not.

This is the first time an internet comment has made me laugh so hard I snorted! And after reading that baby whipping article, I needed it. Thank you.

Wow, Marshall Mathers has really let himself go...

Good God, that is some powerful Kool-Aid they are all drinking.