
I’ve been a geriatric nurse for ten years and seriously, elderly Christian white women are the MEANEST BITCHES ON THE PLANET.

My kids have played with a little girl missing a hand for years now. Neither one has noticed yet.

Brussels sprouts are the shit! I roast them in the oven.... so good.

You can actually buy those here, the kitchen sprayer type one. Usually used by parents who cloth diaper, you can find the kits on cloth diapering websites. They are super easy to install.

That woman gives butts a bad name.

Yes, this. I was talking to my husband about dudes randomly sending dick pics and he was horrified. Like, he really could not believe men sent stranger women pictures of their penises. I asked him if he had really never thought of doing that and he said, “Well, I was going to do that to you as a joke but I didn’t

Always talk and always listen. Let her know she can talk to you about anything. Ask her if she needs pads when you know she has her period. Tell her about the ways you have treated the women in your life. Tell her what you hope she has to make her happy in the future. My husband does this for his tween daughter and

I think a lot of women will have two different stories depending on how you define “dude”. The first time I noticed boys my age checking me out, it was in fifth grade at the Halloween party. I had changed out of my triple sized sweatshirt meant to hide my boobs into my grandma’s fitted, orange lace dress from the

Ugh. I don’t cry but my cheeks, second chin and chest turn blotchy, fire engine red. Fucking sucks. I feel ya.

I love this, I would love to read more from this author! My husband, step daughter and I will be taking ASL classes this summer and we are super excited to learn this beautiful language.

Bahaha, poor fundamentalist Christians don’t know who to side with!

I talk to my three and five year old about gay and transgender people. When they meet one, or if they are one, I want them to already understand that they are humans beings equally deserving of love, kindness and respect, that what makes them different doesn’t make them bad or gross or any of the other things society

TIL Hasidic women wear fake hair over their real hair because... religion?


Oh God. I so remember that feeling. I developed really early and looked much older than I was. I once had the attentions of a super cute 18+ guy and was thrilled until he asked me out and then I was like, “WAIT, I’M TWELVE, WHAT IS HAPPENING!”

I love this. And think about it, you might have helped turn their bitchy tides.

They had better not pick a white actress! This is my (white) daughter’s favorite movie, partly because the “princess” looks like my step mom and my best friend, both of whom she adores. And come on, aren’t we all getting sick of white washed media? It doesn’t look like real life and we all benefit from diversity.

They scare me too and I'm a white woman that lives in a nice town. I think on some level we all know they could target us and nothing would happen. Obviously it happens mostly to black men but sometimes you hear about drunk white kid or a mentally ill white girl or a homeless deaf man. If one of us isn't safe from the

Thank you for saying this. Sometimes it's hard for people to understand the best way to contribute to this conversation is to listen and elevate the voices of the people living this reality.

Your willful ignorance is as astounding as it is nauseating.