
No. Sorry.

This is going to be my favorite. I already know it. I didn't even read the article and I'm already grateful and in love.

My kids are quite a bit younger but when they do have a tantrum, public or otherwise, I just wait it out. I figure they are just so frustrated or upset that is literally the only thing they can do. When they start coming down I just give them a big hug, tell them I love them and we go about the rest of their day. It's

That is terrible! I hope you called that bitch out.

So she put all that time in to set up that elaborate "prank" but didn't take one minute to think about the cultural reality this young man lives in every day? And the officers going along with it didn't consider how that would would look or how it would make him feel?

They never learn. Even my 12yo regularly gets hit by carts at the grocery store. They somehow manage to look every direction but the one they are going in. The younger kids are even worse. This gets said at least ten times per trip, "Honey, watch where you're- oh, sorry, no they're fine. See, that's why I tell you to

I sat on a jury for a man charged with double murder (while six months pregnant!). We found him guilty and I've never felt bad or second guessed myself.

Omg, that bible quote. And I totally bet he really believes Jesus is going to send down some angels to defend him from the mean people saying bad things about him... I guess he didn't get to the parts in the bible about loving and caring for people, especially children.

Wait- 2k for stationary? I don't even understand that... Rich people are weird.

I love my copper iud. I notice some more cramping and back ache during my periods but my heating pad takes care of that. It is so nice not to have to think about birth control or have pregnancy scares.

I know terrible things will happen to my children no matter who they are or where there are but college just seems like the new "asking for it".

Can anyone blame me for just not wanting to send my girls to college? I realize #notallcolleges but really, between the unacknowledged rape and the pointless crippling debt...

But... her experience of being a Christian white woman wearing a hijab will be totally different than what a Muslim woman wearing a hijab in a Christian white community would be. If she really wanted to know what that was like, why doesn't she, I don't know, ask her Muslim friend, or find blogs dedicated to that