Opinionated Onion

Could you review or poll to see what the best pillow is? As soon as I find a pillow I love it goes lumpy, or flat, or just plain awful. Cotton fill or down? Real or synthetic? Gussets or no gussets? Fill or memory foam? Basic or weird curved things I don’t understand?

Sling TV

Same. I ended up with an author search.

The kindle store is a wormhole and no one will ever convince me otherwise.


I’m too old to still be dating fuckboys but I do it anyway because I’m a poor judge of character and like to complain.

A designated location where humans hit each other until one of them has been hit so many times they let the other human know they no longer wish to be hit again. Aka “sports”

I’m not surprised. Almonds have such tiny nipples, they would be very difficult to milk.

I lost it at the t-shirt, brass knuckles, and ham.

If I were Angie, I would have asked Kate: why the bad eyeliner all the time?

Nope, having done both types, ghosting is worse. It tears at your self-esteem and soul. At least with a scream, you get stuff off your chest. Ghosting is easier for the person who does it but it’s cruel. Cruel.

I would much rather be told in no uncertain terms “I don’t think we should see each other anymore” than have to figure out why the person isn't returning my texts or calls. Avoiding confrontation on your part doesn't make it any less painful for the other person when they finally figure out they're never going to hear

He’s hot. Like, Jimmy Stewart hot. Which is hot, nonetheless.

I sometimes pretend that I’m GhostofCourtneyStoddensBoobs. But who here doesn’t?

i saw this on twitter and i dont think i’ll ever be the same

Does the pope masturbate?

Get some therapy. I am a very smart woman in general but keep making this mistake with SOs (not my ex-boyfriends, according to them, but I will call them that when I don’t feel like explaining). I’ve been in therapy for a while specifically to address this problem because it eventually makes me doubt myself and all

Hello All. Long time lurker, first time poster here. Today was a pretty good day. I went for a bike ride, had some family time & did some errands. This typical day was not possible a couple weeks ago because I have depression. I’m so glad not to be numb today, that I can get out of bed and actually go outside &

I think everyone goes through this rage when an ex finds someone new (and moves way faster in this relationship than ever before). When it happened to me I realized I was pissed off because it was proof that he just didn’t want to go steady/serious/all the way with me. Before that I’d tell myself he was broken and

Why is it difficult when our ex’s find someone new? We can be logical and rational but it’s still a punch to the chest. Plus it’s really difficult for your friends because they have to stand at least ten feet away from you, because they have to drive, and the red wine fumes coming off of you would put them over the