Soooo, that is my license plate frame. I realize many other people also have it, but to me it’s a tribute to Wash (who totally survived but there just wasn’t a follow up movie/season to explain how).
Soooo, that is my license plate frame. I realize many other people also have it, but to me it’s a tribute to Wash (who totally survived but there just wasn’t a follow up movie/season to explain how).
FYI, $180 refurb KitchenAid Stand mixers are on sale on eBay.
FYI, $180 refurb KitchenAid Stand mixers are on sale on eBay.
On on? I hope that’s what you’re saying. Because if so, woot! Freeeeeeeeeee beeeer for all the...
I have discovered the magic that is baking powder dry brine. This, combined with spatchcocking (that ALWAYS makes me giggle. Spatchcock. Heheh) has always ended up with a quickly cooked, crispy skinned, delicious as ffffffffffffff bird. If you haven’t tried it and you’re feeling frisky, I heartily suggest it.
I have one, and only one, question.
Crazy Aunt Kanye did a series of posts regarding her use of naltrexone (spelling?) to enjoy a glass or two of booze without unlocking the “woo paaaaarty” feelings over on GT. Maybe check them out and see if that’s something you would like to ask you doc about? It’s more about moderation for problem drinking vs “I’m an…
This is me too. I have a terrible memory, and I have to “train” new friends to understand that I may not remember the things we did/said/experienced. It’s not because I don’t care, but I just do not remember. I feel like such a jerk and a loser because I can’t seem to retain memories. I don’t want to forget my life, I…
That’s so funny that you said this. J names are like poison for me, and “Jasons” especially. I don’t watch any of the Housewives, so maybe I'm missing an in joke, but this spoke to me. Jasons are BAD NEWS.
I don't see a single time-travel section in any genre. boo, hiss!
I successfully battled fruit flies in the corporate hotel room I'm staying in - I left out some wine in a plastic cup, and kept a bottle of super hold aerosol hairspray nearby. Then every few hours I sprayed the little suckers with hairspray. Hah! Suck it, little flying bastards! I don't know what caused them to be…
yeah, I was kind of a jerk, sorry about that.
You realize that people pay the website Hulu Plus* for their services, right? Basically, they're complaining that they have to watch ads on a service that they pay to access.
I second this question - how would one go about getting your services?
If it doesn't come with a couple of AGM-114s, it's too much and I'm not interested. :-)
How come Michelle is dating Danny Tanner? I thought he was her dad....?
Hey, FYI, you've got a jerk bag racist troll, "monkeys need go die". I couldn't find/remember the mod email for Jez, sorry. I'll email help@kinja with this info too.
No, Florida. The only correct way to use my blinkers here would be to turn them on at the start of a trip and NEVER EVER turn them off until I stop the car. :-)
If I may ask a related question: my turn signal still blinks, but sometimes it speeds up, sometimes it's normal speed. I've changed the bulbs twice in about 9 months, but it keeps doing this variable rate blink. What on earth is causing that?! Nobody can seem to figure it out beyond "change your bulbs every ten…
I didn't even think about the rent increase...double ugh.