
They're also ripped straight from the Berlanti/Guggenheim scrapped Flash script (that season 1 of the show for sure used as a base)

Rumored "casting releases" had a character named Eobard Thawne in a wheelchair and I'm like "on the off chance this is true just cast Tom Cavanagh and be done with it"

Kendra not killing Vandal Savage was disappointing, but unsurprising. (We have three episodes left, after all.)

I cringed every time at that one.

Michael's def gonna kick the bucket.

I see you, "A glimpse of stocking, shocking!" referencing Anything Goes!

Oh, no, I'm sure. My reaction to his tweets were half 'dude you're getting pissy over nothing' and half 'this is amazing he's doing this in public'

There's no way he isn't.

The showrunner even made a tweet like "Jay Garrick's in the show we're not shitting all over his legacy :)" bc Mark Waid was PISSED. So there's no way he's not the man in the mask.

This episode wasn't a D+. The weakest episode of the series was "Progeny" aka the future episode two weeks ago. /That/ episode was terrible. Unfun, badly paced, and boring. This episode was a good one!

The trailer is /really/ trying to sell this as the next Gone Girl.

This is basically the one Maroon 5 song I like. Because I associate it with Hannibal.

The writing could /totally/ be that shitty. (My current running theory is that Zolomon is actually dead and kept alive by the speed force, which is how he could kill his past self/"Jay" and still be "alive." Because he's dead to begin with.)

Like, I /think/ they were going for 'Barry tries to use happy smooches with Patty to combat his issues/Thawne's words that he'll never be really happy.' Like, he was trying to be happy with Patty. But at this point I feel like they're not going to bring that up and that entire plot just went for /far too long/ They

I have the feeling the writers really didn't plan this season out very well. They focused on the 'shock value' of the Jay/Zoom thing, the Barry/Patty relationship took up FAR TOO MUCH TIME and went nowhere.

Barry losing his powers could have worked. His team hand-delivering them to Zoom when they'd already gotten Wally back absolutely DID NOT.

I have accepted the silliness of it all! I /loved/ the time travel arc last season. (I didn't watch it when it was airing so I don't remember the "no one has guess who he is" cop out.) The reveal of the Reverse Flash (and subsequent reveals re: him) worked, they really did.

Teddy Sears said in an EW interview that he knew that Jay Garrick was probably Zoom, but it wasn't 'confirmed' for him that they hadn't secretly made Zoom somebody else until the "Jay"-and-Caitlin-in-the-park scene. Like, I feel like that's something an actor should know.

Theory time. Hunter Zolomon is a zombie. His body is dead and he needs the Speed Force to stay "alive." It's why he doesn't want Caitlin's temporary fix - there's no cure for death, and it's why he wanted Velocity-9 and Barry's speed.

The Eobard-Thawne-still-existing stuff still made a certain amount of sense. Because he created this particular timeline through his actions. He can't exist because Eddie is dead, but he can't /not/ exist, because these people as we know them wouldn't. The "time remnants" thing was a little bizarre, but I felt like it