Operator Sam

Advocating for the rights of the hated is not popular, but they’re rights that deserve to be defended all the same.

Saying being punched in the face is a consequence of being a Nazi is the same as saying being catcalled is a consequence of dressing sexily.

He means tolerated as in not being punched in the face on the street.

All views are allowed to be held without being physically attacked. I hold the same view for communists, theocrats, and anarchists. All views I strongly disagree with, but will deal with without punching them.

If you want to make people afraid to walk outside because of their political views, you are really not helping. Second, I would call the bully in this situation the one who punched a man talking because of the content of that speech.

Manson told his followers to commit violence. This guy has not. He is espousing the creation of a white ethnostate. Very different things.

“I would never defend their right to speak”

A large portion of people in the 60s believed the same of communists.

It absolutely is free speech to advocate for genocide. Free speech is not denied based on the content of the speech.

This guy did absolutely nothing but talk about his views. Violence against political opponents is always wrong unless they have acted first.

Celebrating violence against political opinions you don’t like

I hope the man in the hoodie gets arrested for assault and battery. Rule of law still applies, even if you’re doing the right thing.

We lost an election, this isn’t the end of America. People thought Nixon would result in nuclear annihilation, but we lived through it. Melodrama does nothing but make us look stupid.

This is basically a less snarky, less volatile, and less sensationalist Gawker at the moment. I kind of like it, but the blatant commentary should be saved for after the first two sentences.

If you stand in the middle of the road, you are not doing a peaceful protest while at the same time putting yourself in danger.

Censorship applies to anything being removed due to it being unacceptable, such as cursing, nudity, or even opinions. Censorship is only illegal when it comes to the government doing it. Facebook, Twitter, and any other company are free to practice censorship of any kind.

He hasn’t even taken office yet. Approval ratings are a bit premature.

Please take your minion cancer back to Facebook.

The only slight problem with this is Tracer’s short hair, which is a bit odd, but it’s so unnoticeable her other qualities (especially the naïveté) overpower it.

Most of it is graphics limitations. There’s such focus on making it look as good as possible, having it handle twice that consistently is flat out impossible on most modern games.