
No praise for this asshole. He actually filmed episode after episode of garbage TV and lied to women over and over - please, dude. There’s denial, repression and inner turmoil for some, sure - but this... this is hideous. He knew what he is, believe me, he most certainly knew.

According to gossip site Crazy Days and Nights, he’s been hooking up with dudes in WeHo before, during and after The Bachelor. 

That’s why they should be strictly referred to as anti-abortion, not pro-life. They don’t care about any of these babies once they’re born, so let’s be clear about what they care about and what they don’t.

Dude stayed a virgin for like a year of dating Aly Raisman - thoroughly unsurprising news, haha.

so I assume all the dudes and right-to-lifers who made this legislation happen are busily working on establishing a comprehensive tax-covered support network that any parent of a child born with Downs Syndrome can access for the lifetime of help they’ll probably need? LOL just kidding, I know that’s not happening,

I fucking loved The Circle and I normally don’t like reality shows. limited drama and was just fun watching how fucking goofy the cast was, excited for season 2.

Jumping the fence is the new jumping the shark. 

Okay. Can I see a show of hands of everyone here who saw this coming?

You have to remember, it’s only lies and defamation when the left says it. When it comes from the right, it’s perfectly legal and just.

Noone should be forced to carry a child, for any reason. Abortions should be no questions asked. This is a horrible precedent, and proof of the old adage that hard cases make for bad laws.

I get it. But if you’re pro choice, you’re pro choice, regardless of reason. I don’t care if someone has an abortion because they don’t want or couldn’t handle a special needs child (personally I think that’s fair, not everyone is equipped to handle that - emotionally or financially), or they use abortions as birth

Wait, the guy “getting sued for $1.3 billion for refusing to stop spreading those defamatory theories” has the absolute balls to say “.... out-and-out lies, (aren’t) free speech”

To add some more perspective, it’s not just a “smaller minority”. I just did the math using numbers updated just a few hours ago, and the chance of dying from COVID is 22,000 TIMES higher than the chance of this complication even happening. And that’s actually a lowball estimate, because I’m comparing COVID deaths to

They’re working on it, hence the pause. But what you’re missing is that it’s not “you have nothing to worry about”, it’s “you have a 22,000 TIMES higher chance of dying from COVID than from this complication, so the benefits FAR outweigh the risk”. Doesn’t mean we shouldn’t look into it -- which is why we are -- but

Bearing in mind that maybe half of those vaccinated are in the range of those who might be vulnerable to the clots. And those numbers are dependent on people realizing what is happening to them. Ed did not include the warning signs of these clots that were issued that require immediate medical treatment (at an ER) if

But the white house is a workplace for everyone but the Bidens. Imagine if you’re at your office job, you don’t really like dogs or are scared of dogs, and you get “nipped” by a big German shepherd. I’d be pissed. 

But even the watered-down bill seems quite a bit better than anything being weighed in the U.S.

Not only that, but people freak out over less than 1 in 1M, but birthcontrol’s risk of blood clots is .3-1% over 10 years. That’s a LOT more. One in hundreds, not millions.

The book the second series is based on is significantly better than the first book so I’m still excited.