
This article—and I know this sounds weird to say about an AV Club article—is pretty goddamn harsh. Here are the basics: Carrie Fisher was beloved not just for being Leia, but also for her writing, and frankness in her writing about her personal life.

I don’t know how this works for other people, but I’ve become very sensitive about this shit ever since I had a kid.

Guess we have to remove Maurice Chevalier singing “Thank Heaven For Little girls” from heavy rotation now. I hope so, anyway.

But with the prevailing judicial attitudes in France, what’s the report rate, prosecution rate, and conviction rate?

This show is dumb as dirt but its a guilty watch in my house. My 12 year old son loves it even though he has no idea who most of these people are.  

True but that 30 year old has lived life as an autonomous adult and has a fully formed brain so IS going to be more mature than a 15 year old no matter how immature for a 30 year old they are..

That’s the scary part: so much of this behavior is normalized, so it doesn’t occur to you that what happened was wrong until decades later, when someone else points it out. I’ve lost count of the “funny” anecdotes about my childhood that were actually really problematic/abusive in hindsight. But at the time, it was

It definitely has a Rock of Love vibe... which is great.

It’s hilarious that Colin Jost can always play the Bachelor. So milquetoast.

But saying it’s a regulated norm is simply not the case. If it were everything you describe, no one would try to hide it from the eyes of others. It would be a part of life like it was in earlier decades and centuries.

It looks more like that Jersey Shore dating show, or the Brett Micheals one.

Exactly. I remember talking about this on Jez back when Bowie died and people were pointing out his relationships with underage girls.

There are 30 year olds who can’t navigate mature consensual relationships and/or have disordered manipulative relatiohsips with others, whether sexual or emotional.

I don’t understand how they can even continue with the season after what we saw last night - no matter what Hannah does Peter ended this episode looking nowhere NEAR ready to start a new relationship. It was like Yikes man, take some time and work on you.

Suddenly, people begin asking: How did anyone ever think that was OK?

So Chris Harrison has been promoting for a while that this might be one of the most dramatic seasons yet, which I largely ignored as that is what he usually says and, you know, Pilot Pete. Now I’m legit curious as it might be somewhat true, espeically when the background information on one of the competitors is going

Yet I hardly ever ate Knight Rider and The Dukes of Hazzard growing up, what’s science got to say about that?

burgers and croissants are part of a well balanced diet.

I like the waxy coating they leave in your mouth.

Biting into a freshly-birthed glazed “HOT NOW” Krispy Kreme has to be like what a vampire experiences biting into virgin flesh.