Abortion is an economy issue. Knowing that an accidental pregnancy can ruin you is a pretty big economic issue. It’s also a crime issue. Knowing that a twelve year old could be forced to give birth, that’s a big safety issue.
Abortion is an economy issue. Knowing that an accidental pregnancy can ruin you is a pretty big economic issue. It’s also a crime issue. Knowing that a twelve year old could be forced to give birth, that’s a big safety issue.
That one is pretty good. I like freeform (or whatever they went by in their previous names) christmas movies.
Was it student housing? You can’t have a gun in student housing.
I had duck ice cube trays when I was in college. I was amused when we used them to make margaritas.
I didn’t have an entire freezer for ice though. That’s crazy.
There’s something comforting in knowing exactly what will happen next.
This is his neighbor and the kid was in her own front yard. WTF.
It has been throughout. The entire situation with Charles and Diana is so crazy that it’s unbelievable.
Charles is also terrified of criticism. That’s why he couldn’t handle being married to Diana. It’s why he’s allowed his son over and over to be trashed in the media to take the focus away from his actions.
She’s currently on Peacock playing a girl who was groomed by an older man. . .
Go with Amelia Dyer they think she killed upwards of 400
In some states they’d not only force her to give birth, they would also then force the doctors to provide lifesaving care instead of letting the child and mother to handle it respectfully.
Give the wealthy tax cuts, cut services to poor people (maybe cuts to medicaid), blame democrats.
These women don’t even have to worry about their kids reproductive rights. . . .
Exactly. . . . sorry honey I know you’re pregnant with your father’s baby and living with your elderly grandparent but the committee doesn’t meet for three weeks. Then the procedure goes from taking a pill to having to go through labor.
And it just takes three or four weeks to get the hearing by which time the abortion procedure goes from taking a couple of pills to having to actually labor.
That book is horrific. Bridget is spoiled and obnoxious and hasn’t matured at all and I just hated her in that book.
What if they broke up just for the tabloids and were having a secret relationship the whole time.
Or, maybe they got the last hotel room during Fashion Week so they had to share but, there was only ONE bed.
It’s the spicy Monterey Ranch Chicken for me. The Bacon, the ranch, the cheese. Mmmmm
I mean yes there are bio-musicals and jukebox musicals but there’s also groundbreaking shows like A Strange Loop. K-Pop will be pretty groundbreaking itself even if it’s pop as is Six.
But if the show is terrible should it really stick around? Did Diana deserve a long run? How about
It seems like there just isn’t the…
Patti made it all about her (although her name did come up)