
That’s what I’m really loving about netflix.  How they’ve made foreign movies and shows accessable both by putting them on their platform and by allowing users to chose to watch the shows dubbed (and the dubbing is getting good).

And she wasn’t arguing that it was. It was a job to pay the bills that she didn’t love doing because she didn’t want to be just pretty and that’s all she was as a briefcase girl.

I don’t know why people argued about that except that it’s Megan Markle saying that.

Oh, they even say, That’s not an abortion so it would be legal.

All of these laws are severely increasing the costs of healthcare. Instead of just being able to manage the miscarriages medically we’re forcing these women into multi-day stays and surgery and life threatening risks.

Lawmakers really treated these medically necessary procedures like they were rare when in reality there are women in every state who are put into these positions every day, it’s a sizeable percentage of women (evenmoreso women who have multiple pregnancies like their voters) who will find themselves in a position. Yet

I order a couple meals worth when I go to taco bell and rarely spend more than $20.  A crunch wrap supreme, a couple tacos, a couple burritors.

I don’t know why I’ve always felt parental twards her but I do. It’s like we watched her grow up on TV from her Simple Life days and I’m so proud of her for what she has become. A strong woman fighting for what she believes in while still being covered in rhinestones.

It’s always shocking to me when I hear about the

And one accidental exposure doesn’t an addict make. . .

But now we have litter boxes in bathrooms.

Someone poisoned their own kids candy once.

All of those shows were also written with an older audience in mind.  Sesame street has in jokes for parents.  Barney did not.

I think a lot of it is that unlike most children’s TV shows out there it wasn’t designed to speak to anyone except the 2-5 year old audience it was geared twards. There were no bigger in jokes for adults or even anything designed for seven year olds to enjoy (like Sesame street and other kids shows). It was for

It’s exausting to deal with people who think that just because a case didn’t go to court nothing happened.

The authorities decide not to press charges much of the time.  Like when the accused is a rich man with high powered lawyers and there is no continued abuse.

A lot of these kids are going to have major disabilities. Many who have horrible diseases that will cost millions in healthcare costs who will have 0 quality of life for their short painful lives.

Or at least a show like this.  It’s not like anyone went into this expecting it to be uplifting.

I thought doctor who stabbed him

They have the worst PR I’ve ever seen.  A toddler would do a better job.

They sell off the spares for good press or to squash stories on the heirs.  It’s just so transparent.  A cheating scandal comes out about Will and then suddenly five negative stories about Megan will pop up.  Charles gets into a fight with a Pen and Megan and Harry are being rude or disrespectful for holding hands.

I’m so thankful that she was able to heal.  It’s a testamony to her doctors and Drew herself that she’s been able to heal from her broken and screwed up childhood and that she wasn’t one of the ones that we lost due to substance abuse.

The teachers are more educated, better trained. . . .