I haven’t seen that much on Dahmer. It was a newish story to me.
Manson on the other hand. . . . could there be any more Manson shows.
I haven’t seen that much on Dahmer. It was a newish story to me.
Manson on the other hand. . . . could there be any more Manson shows.
To be fair he is also saying I hate fat people.
Weirder, it’s the library of congress, not the Smithsonian. So they’re in a drawer occasionally being looked at by researchers.
Library of congress is pretty cool.
Imagine how much he would hate it. It’s perfect.
Not even caved but went several steps further than needed.
I’ve been watching a bunch of tiktoks from kids raised in cults (from IBLP to FDLS) and it’s just heartbreaking. The kids that wise up as teenagers find themselves in very dangerous places.
Eeh, I’d equate those with the IBLP types. The Christians that are equal are homeschooled by parents (or older siblings) who can barely read themselves.
Although the new thing is unschooling. That’s where your kid gets to decide what they’re learning and there is no curriculum. So, you can make them spend half of the…
They’ll probably be treated like homeschool kids. Homeschool kids who graduate with a transcript drawn up by mom.
They’ll be able to go to college based purely on their test scores which realistically will not be good enough to go anyplace but the local community college where they will probably be forced to take a…
You have to remember that these people think that research leads to satan. They listen to their leaders and do what they say without question. They don’t research.
If someone tells them to send their kids somewhere they do.
Tell me you’re running a cult school without telling me you’re running a cult school.
You wouldn’t though. If your wife finds herself in the ER in a red state you can’t help her. You will have to sit there until the hospital lawyer decides she’s dying enough.
If she’s in California.
If she has a medical emergency in Texas she won’t. These laws that are being passed will disproportionately effect women who find themselves in an emergency room. Those women won’t be able to drive to New Mexico or have someone mail them abortion pills from CT. They will be dying in the hospital…
They’ve also decided that these cases are so super rare that there doesn’t need to be an exception because those women are disposable.
I think it’s actually a perfect analogy.
People think of abortion happening when a woman (who is probably a slutty 16-24 year old) gets pregnant because they’re not using birth control. They don’t think of it as the solution to a medical emergency.
Just like people like to think of Rape as being attacked when walking…
There was a woman being interviewed on Capital Hill a couple months ago who answered to many situations (eptopic pregnancy, pregnant eleven year old, fetal abnormality) that is not an abortion.
It’s the only moral abortion is my abortion argument. That many of those pro-life women have either had or have helped another…
They don’t just go around telling women that they’re self aborting. It’s a traumatic situation and the doctors tell you what you need to know to get through the procedure. They probably weren’t even given any options because there was none. There’s no positive in calling it an abortion to make the entire situation…
There are countless women who have been through the same situation. It very much is a miscarriage and I have no problem with it being thought of that way before Dobbs. But current legislation is to criminalize doctors who help these women.
Lawmakers are trying to frame those moments as very rare so it doesn’t matter if a few women die during the process.
When in reality we as a society have understood that we don’t announce pregnancies before twenty weeks because so many of them end on their own.
I would be terrified if I was a woman who wanted to start a…
It’s going to be dramatic in those communities who are so anti-choice because those women get pregnant at a far higher rate than “liberals” they’re more likely to have miscarriages and thus are going to start dying at a much higher rate.
It’s important because of what’s happening in state legislatures right now. That lawmakers are trying to make situations like the one she went through so much more dangerous and painful.