
Stillbirth photography isn’t unheard of.

I had an emergency C-section because my daughter decided to come out foot first. That was something I was made to feel guilty about.

Woman/mom shaming knows no bounds.

One of the hearings at the capital there was a woman who over and over said it isn’t an abortion to things that were obviously abortions.

And lets be clear that her procedure would have been even more painful and dangerous if it happened today in many US states.

The amount of unnessicary nudity and sex. I’m all for it if it’s important to the plot. The nudity and sex in HoD fits with the story.

But then you have shows with random characters showering topless. . .

Look up the shit that Brooke Shields did when she was a tween.  Horrifying

Are blood transfusions next?  Vaccines?

Watching that just made me feel like all those kids were being exploited for “art.” Those kids were so very young to be on stage with that nudity and the subject matter every day, and they started Leah in that part years before she went on stage (at just over 18). . . .

I’m sure there was a ton of trauma bonding with

Right. The right way to deal with this isn’t to say me me me. It’s to say the rumor is offensive to those who struggle with illiteracy and dyslexia.

And for him to tell you that her being scared is justification for him to point a gun at her and handcuff her.  Was he scared for his life?  Nope, he was having a power trip, one he has probably had several times before and it was ignored.  All of these people have a history of incidents.

You didn’t misunderstand that. This was a childbirth before modern medicine was dangerous scene, not a forced birth scene. She was going to die either way, just faster if they tried the surgery which was always fetal in that case.

Eeh, it’s easy. You just don’t include the fridge. I’ve been advised to not include the fridge with the house because then it wouldn’t meet the minimum requirements for subsidized housing.

Davidson and Snoop fighting over Martha.

There were hundreds of cops there.  They did nothing and are still in their jobs and refusing to take accountability.  I can’t imagine.

Oh, it’s a raw deal for officers spouses also.  I’m eternally unemployed (and I’m a teacher) because my resume looks like swiss cheese.  We’re fine financially but I can’t even get an interview many places because I’m a military spouse.

Enlisted families are moving less these days and they’re modernizing their views a bit. However, they’re still often stuck in dead end military towns and the military still views spouses as a tool as opposed to equals in their own right, expected to pick up the family and move for even short assignments and schools

It’s actually really kind to Ariana. She says that she didn’t get along with Ariana because she was jealous. That’s pretty typical of someone her age, it also doesn’t portray Ariana as a nasty piece of work.

The high risk people in these cases are those who do a lot of rubbing on other people. Which is why they’re targeting gay men who are rubbing and kissing strangers. I suspect that students living in dormatories along with teachers of small children and those who work in fields that require touch next.

The elderly can

It’s like they’re doing everything they can to ensure that more women are murdered. 

He’d probably be ok with that one.  He doesn’t believe that he’s in an interracial relationship.