Exactly, they’re married and pregnant by 20. Then the girls end up babytrapped with no education or way to support themselves.
Exactly, they’re married and pregnant by 20. Then the girls end up babytrapped with no education or way to support themselves.
They get married early so they can have sex and then get divorced three years later because they grew up and are different people.
Oh, they’d love to go after child support though.
Power hungry and also they’re getting really high on the media attention and the outrage they’re creating and the cheers from their loud fans. If the numbers from Kansas and the antidotal stories from Indiana are to be believed they’re shooting themselves in the foot. No one actually wants the government to have…
What they really want is to get rid of child support and alimony. They want their wives to stay home with their kids and then get none of their combined income when they divorce.
The divorce rate has gone down. The divorce rate was so high because of all the boomers getting divorced once their kids left the house and they were able to.
It’s interesting to see different shows that have talented young people to see what happens to the actors as they age. Some shows will have everyone be very successful, some will have most become total disasters.
This is a problem in all areas of the arts and sports, anything that has a coach/director type situation. Abuse gets results so it’s allowed or encouraged or seen as normal. It starts in dance classes for six year olds and on the baseball field.
They discontinued it. I haven’t been back. The loaded tortilla soup was a burrito bowl with added deliciousness. Amazing
He got himself fired. . . .
I just hope shes been able to reflect once she was called out.
I suspect she was just allowed to be a bully and was never called out because she was easy for directors to work with.
Death Games aren’t an original concept.
Is Squid Games a ripoff of The Hunger Games? Nope, but they’re in the similar genre.
Exactly, she uses that and reality TV as her influences. Which is pretty obvious, the imagery is there in the movies with the chariots. It’s a death game combined with reality TV.
She’s said that she came up with the idea from both Ancient Rome and reality TV, Death games aren’t exactly an original idea. The author is a military brat who has a passion for writing in a way that makes kids understand the horrors of war which you can see from the Hunger Games and evenmoreso from her Middle Grade…
The plan is to snatch the baby from her.
Although I’m not sure what their plan is if the infant is born severely premature and needs round the clock medical care and the mother doesn’t want it.
Eeh, one of the things people are upset about the new NJ sex ed curriculum is that it teaches about IVF.
IVF allows gay men to become fathers. They don’t want that.
Oh, I figured that they would mandate that you donate extra eggs if you don’t use them. These people think Octomoms decision to implant all her extra eggs was a good one.
I think she’s a horrible bully. A Regina George type that is very into the in and out group and will say whatever will sting the most. I think she’s also a very professional artist who gets irritated and horrible at people who don’t take things as seriously as she does. She was terrible when she was ten and apparently…
Fuck fuck fuckity fuck
And the fact that she owns the song free and clear and is getting all the profit makes it that much sweeter.