
The busy streets made me really nervous. I’m guessing kids aren’t normally navigating streets by themselves on errands and it was just because they had all the minders making sure they were safe.

It’s absurd.

I would have my daughter do things by herself when she was little and occasionally people would butt in when she was just fine.

We don’t need to be sending our toddlers a mile away on busy roads but we should be sending kids to go grab something for us at the end of the isle or to get the mail from the

Then he drops the apples on the way home and they roll all the way down the hill.

Such a confidence boost for that kid with what he did himself.

And it was apparently filled with a lot of cash and none of it was missing?

Sounds like a case of a worker finding something, thinking it shouldn’t be left out so they locked it up and forgot about it.

Is the state going to pay for these tests?  Will a dollar store test work or are they trying to add $$$ to every womans bill.  Why don’t the men have to prove that they’re also buying condoms, I don’t think pot is great for sperm production.

Those avacados you eat in NJ are so bad for the environment.  Perhaps the vegetarians should eat meat in the winter.

The only thing that can’t be done is the last unless you’re in a little mom and pop place that doesn’t have much of a computer system.

Maybe instead you should be amazed by peoples willingness to just assume others will pay for them. . . . .

Perhaps you work a job where you are paid enough to have a nice amount of disposable income but a large percentage of the country does not.  That extra $20 hurts their grocery budget.

It’s not a problem though.  As long as you enter everything into the computer correctly it is all just pushing a button.  If you can’t keep track of it then you probably shouldn’t be handling that size of a table.

Splitting the bill evenly is bullshit.  If I ordered a salad I’m not paying for your steak.  Even if my dish was $9 and yours was $11 I’m not going to split the difference because you can’t do ath.

It’s really no more work for the server.  There is a button on the screen.

I waitressed twenty years ago and had no problem with seperate checks, it was easier if I was told ahead of time but it wasn’t a problem even if you didn’t.  It was just a click on the screen.

His wife is a member, so he will be able to go as her plus one.

I hear alopecia and I think bald and no eyebrows.  She looks stunning, I just thought she shaved it because she wanted to look fierce and she does.

Exactly, he would have been considered a hero.  Even if he’d just yelled the bit about keeping her name out of his mouth he would have been the hero.

Exactly, he got up and walked up to the guy smacked him and then walked back to his seat. It was bizarre.

If he’d smacked him on the red carpet during an argument it wouldn’t have been that weird.

And if she did want it to be something that was condemned he hurt that by making it all about him instead of being about her.

That happens all the time on The Amazing Race. 

They just stopped being working royals. So they’re not getting UK funds anymore. So they’re like the rest of their cousins.

Harry was born into his title and is harassed on the regular by the press because of it so of course he’s going to use it. He is employed because he’s a rich guy with connections. He uses those

All you have to see is the way the Harry and Megan situation was handled to see how clueless they (and their people) are. They can’t even wrap a family disagreement in a fancy bow to the public.