Open Minded at 62

Is this considered white-on-white crime?

LOVE IT!!! Something that needs to be said over and over again. Like every year. Maybe everyday because White people blame, forget, deflect or play ‘what about...’; then do the ‘but I agree with your cause, Black people’. (see the guy with the Homer in his screen name).

Definitely! And, smiled really big.

I think “black-ish” should be required viewing for all Gen-Xers and Millennials.

I didn’t read the 200+ responses, however if statistics still hold true, African-Americans are the largest consumers in the US. The best protest we can do is to quit buying anything except actual essentials. And, when we do purchase, only shop at African and Black owned businesses. Shop on line at African and Black

Really? How many of us are going to read her book, much less purchase it? It’s obviously a fictional account of her innermost insecurities, inflated ego and delusions of grandeur. Oh, and the need to make a quick dollar off of some innocent little girl.

It’s unfortunate that we still have so many cooning Negroes conning for and being conned by the almighty dollar (the only power White folks think they have over others). She’s just one of the main examples of a bamboozled coon.

Is the mural being removed because of the poll or the allegations? If it’s because of the allegations and trial, why is it just being removed? If it’s because of the poll, does Ben’s remove murals based on popularity polls regularly? Otherwise, this is discrimination. Or, are we, as a nation, castigating all casting

Why do the people who accurately responded with disdain have to be feminists? We all have preferences, but it doesn’t give us the right to degrade or demoralize. That is not free speech, that’s being an asshole. Would these guys want someone saying what they’re saying about their mothers, daughters, sisters or aunts?

Weapon... You are so on point. Since we do not have the people willing to sacrifice as our ancestors did.. Let me retract that. Brothers and sisters are giving their lives for the cause, but folks aren’t recognizing it as such. The jailing and killing of us out of ‘I feared for my life’ or ‘standing my ground’ that

Another incident of blameless and uncaring Whiteness. I so 👍 Tomi Marchant. We need to stop seeking their approval and start helping our own. I am almost to the point of Garveyism. But, I prefer to be like young Taylor. See their ignorance and raise them with acceptance, class, forgiveness, love and understanding.

The question on everyone’s test should be, “Why are White people so F*****G STUPID, INCONSIDERATE, BLAMELESS, MANIPULATIVE...? I know some White person (or people) will be righteously indignant and have the ‘all of us aren’t like that (or individualize it)‘. But, just like they want to say that about themselves, why

Is it me or was the point missed? First, I don’t watch the show. For no reason other than I don’t subscribe to ‘premium’ channels.

The study shows not so much about racism or conservative Left or Right. It shows that people wanted something different than the norm, and that’s what we got. Someone who isn’t politically savvy, who is used to writing his own rules and pays his ‘yes’ people well. He threatens anyone who goes against him; blames,


I believe in building coalitions, however I cannot help that some may misunderstand or misinterpret honesty and truth.

My anger is about EVIL. I have participated in many people’s coalitions to unite, probably much longer than you have been alive. I do know that we continue to same stuff with different dressing. So, if you know of any coalitions that I need to affiliate with, give me that rather than criticism. I never yelled, that

I didn’t see where anyone asked to destroy her painting. I definitely didn’t.

Most Black people aren’t hung, tarred and feathered, dragged behind trucks, etc. It’s funny that instead of owning the truth (these things have been, and may still be done), folks like to deflect. I am honest enough to admit to biases, but I am NOT a racist. I HATE ALL EVIL!!

I never said ‘a’ white person was responsible. If using that thinking, reverse it and not think ‘a’ Black American acts or speaks for all people of color.