
I've argued repeatedly that Androids current SDK makes no sense at all. I don't understand why if they have an NDK they need the bloody vm. Get rid of it. Let native linux execution occur and watch a whole new world of development take root building on the last 30 years of *nix dev.

Heh, suggest grabbing 2-5 dollar nasa patch. Show some space love =P

If I had a guy grabbing my junk every day I went to work, I'd be pretty messed up psychologically too. It's dehumanizing any which way you look at it.

I liked it better when it was vikings.

Another great moment for the TSA.

I work on a NASA project. It is the most rewarding experience of my life. Words cannot express the feeling I have every single morning waking up and heading to work. It's unlike anything else.

I know where it is. And that's all I am saying. ;P

I am willing to put up with a lot of stupid shit when flying, because I like everyone else am terrified of being a story on the 5 o'clock news. But this shit is a direct assault on the American psyche. People are being punished for rebuking what is in all honesty a horrendous invasion of privacy. That's not

Heh bill murray is awesome.

@secgeek: It's don't ask don't tell right?

I've not gotten a free cd in years...

Thank christ I've not had a date in like a year. Finally some freaking physical contact. I hope they say something nice to me when they do it... like have a nice day, or enjoy your flight... cause lord knows... I am going to enjoy their magic fingers all over my man bits.

I believe the term relevant here is nomad. Though some europeans may just use the affable term... gypsy.

Heh, best thing to happen to the simpsons since groening left.

Conspiracy theories are a hobby. For well, crazy people. I mean.. everyone needs a hobby right?

What if the droid in question contained government data...

Hypothetical... what if there is no password? Say you set your system up to auto corrupt it's private key if it's moved without being authenticated to. Do you go to jail because you can't provide a password? I mean really. These sorts of laws are stupid and the people writing them should be working at McDonalds.

I think there should definitely be an investigation into the agents involved with this and possibly a review of their operating procedure... because it strikes me as incredibly stupid and naive.


While oracle continues a nose dive unrivaled in tech history, I do have to agree. HP's board has demonstrated a woeful ignorance towards their own lines of business. This decisions gives light to a "business as usual" attitude that is eroding HPs stronger origins.