
[] That's a chat log from TWC in NYC. They are in my opinion the worst ISP in the US. I tried to make it a hobby to try and force their tech support people to actually be useful... never did work. but the log is kind of fun to read.

Nah that's pretty much dead on with option B. LulzSec is nothing new. This sort of stuff happens all the time, they just had better PR than some. Reality is, groups like lulzsec aren't the problem and the infosec industry isn't the answer either. Education is everything here.

I think the fundamental issue with OkCupid is that there are people who ruin a good thing for everyone. Be it the girls that are looking for their prince who will be their bitch, or the guys that are looking for anything at all and are willing to blanket spam every person with hair longer than their own with a form

"Only when the last programmer has been imprisoned, and the last idea has been patented, will we realise that lawyers can’t program." - Some dude on twitter.

As a particle light would physically impact us... not be seen as a wavelength of light. We'd not perceive it as "light".

Humans don't see photons at all. =P Gotta watch out for that wave particle theory.

@daveinmn: I am not sure that's a knife. It kinda almost looks like a folded leather piece wrapped around the bow and arrow the person is also holding.

See a lot of people aren't accounting for the fact that television is censored for content. 4chan would look a lot like that after censorship.

For the record, marriage proposals really shouldn't be done over the phone. At least not until research into the area of advanced teledildonics has advanced considerably.

As a user of the Internet I am really getting a kick out of these comments.

Woz. Awesome.

I would like to purchase 1000. Today if possible. =D

@carg1: A lot of people don't realize how much we can still learn about the universe just by exploring our own planet earth.

Also my personal MP3 player that I alone posses is not allowed on planes according to the TSA blog.

Actually, parachutes have small explosive charges in them for firing the emergency chutes, so they always fail the swab tests.

The golden rule applies in all situations. Be excellent to each other. It's a shitty situation for everyone. Someone screwed up. And in air travel, that sadly happens to be situation normal. So, you grin, you bear it, and you get home that much faster.

So, when does he get fired?

Sounds like democracy seems to be working on some level.

i feel helpless in the face of their overwhelming failure.

@moijk: Except that the NDK is chained to the hardware. And so many people are using it. Linux gets by JUST FINE on multiple platforms. And you can still push java apps on linux, only with a better jvm.