
I sat in on and presented at an industry event full of guys whose name tags said they worked for "US Government". Most of these guys are pretty down to earth nerds like you or I. But some are just gung ho anti-internet. They want to lock everything down and have complete accountability.

Heh, I for one am betting on NASA. Now more than ever we need some positive forces in play.

@I Think We're Property: No, I just don't like any radiation that can penetrate skin. That's all sorts of not good. I don't care what anyone tells you. Even the active radio isotopes in nuclear weapons that are beta emitters can't penetrate skin.

@TangoTL: I'd take the pat down every time. If I gotta feel uncomfortable, so do they.

Still not going through one of those things... ever. And it's got nothin to do with nudity.

NASA . NSF need investment. But, money isn't the only fix. We could do things like tort reform. Clear hurdles for researchers and small business. Stop farming out manufacturing to china.

This is one of the few times I will say this. It should not be legal to buy this without a license and training. It's bloody dangerous.

Was hoping this would be a photoshop contest.

@eternaluxe: There's plenty of illnesses that manifest themselves only once a person is run down. And there's the possibility of sterilization either failing or being impossible. Depends on how they intend to handle food. If they have a self contained greenhouse, the dynamics change drastically from the apollo

@jok: 3 boats left with Christopher Columbus for the new world. 2 arrived.

This is important stuff. The social and psychological stresses of prolonged spaceflight are just the tip of the iceberg. Health problems will become an issue as well.

@Michael Ellis: They don't. During the blackout in NYC a few years back cell towers either went dead quickly or were completely overloaded.

Also... in the event of a nationwide blackout. Your land line will remain functional, assuming your phone doesn't power off a wall socket.

I still can't believe they ended the falcon program in the NYC parks. That program was utterly brilliant. I hope they bring it back asap.

Yeah cities kill the night sky. Go out to the depths of the unpopulated world and you can see the milky way in the night sky plain as day.

@ninjikiran: we have a wiki with some locations. the like 269 electronics on canal is one of the most bizarre electronics stores I have ever been in.

Java being a baseless attack on systems engineers everywhere.

I am so excited. Android might finally get a gcc toolchain! Woohoo!