
Wow...did not expect to see “A” on here. I bought it on release, and even saw the tour for that album. I was fascinated by the hi-tech visuals they did for that performance as they were leaving the Renaissance period and headed to Outer Space. The show was amazing. But, I never was totally into Tull, just

This....and is why I cancelled beforehand. I see nothing currently on the horizon that interests me, and I will now become one of the “trial for 7 days” then done for the shows I want.

Have been cooking the Beyond Burger on a semi regular basis at home. Just did my first Chili with it as well.

The worst, which means....the BEST.

I can discuss my relationship.

We raised ours "Godless"? Yet, he is the most proper kid....even at 16 years old. Does not want to try pot (though we have said it is ok). Does not want to drink (though he has tasted it from us...). Hates racism. Hates gay bashing. Offers his stuff to others without prompting (gives gifts from his own allowance).