I would have proposed to you TOO, just for the fact that you're casually dropping ID4 references.
I would have proposed to you TOO, just for the fact that you're casually dropping ID4 references.
I read the title and I was like, "I bet the invisible boyfriend is a vibrator." And then I read the beginning
u can't die in it if it's always in the shop.
I don't think you should take random advice on how to improve from random people at clubs to heart too much, since different people like different things. Unless the advice is something really obvious, like, "You smell like you haven't showered in 3 days and are trying to cover it up with a bucket of cologne,". Then…
Because then you have to deal with more why's than a daycare full of three year old...And more whining.
Can I buy George Clooney a drink if I haven't talked to him yet?
They were ruined. By themselves. Took a charmed existence and threw it in the trash.
I'm a Times New Roman in the streets and a Wingdings in the sheets.
Yeah, but America is obsessed with labels and identifiers for everything and everybody, so naturally, sex falls under those requirements. This is one of the only places in the world where people make such a big deal about sex and virginity, but they act like it shouldn't be that way, but they do make it a big deal.…
I kind of feel sorry for this girl because she clearly has anxiety about being a virgin and lacks the self-confidence to just say "who cares" and just keep on being her. It comes with age (and with not being around producers who exploit these things).
To be honest I don't even believe that she's a virgin. She is using it for attention on the show. What else makes her stand out? There have been virgins on the show who mention it once, on a one on one date, privately, and it never comes up again. Those I believe. But this entire cast is attention whorey as hell so…
I have this thought that some girls, (guys too, I guess,) put this super high value on their virginity, but then they get out in the world and it's like on Antiques Roadshow, when people bring some thing that they thought was some priceless heirloom and the appraiser is like, "Um, no. That's just, like, a thing."
Yes, thank you so much!
The network people must ask about virginity status in your Bachelor application. I expect they deliberately cast these women to add drama. Gross. Also, I bet 100% it's not a question that men get asked to be on the Bachelorette.
Do you know what kind of people have an unhealthy obsession with other peoples sex lives? Looooooooooosers, maybe even bigger losers than the virgin. The fact that this is even considered newsworthy is quite telling.
Oh my gosh. It would be hilarious if you emailed him pretending to be serious. WE ARE MEANT TO BE. WE EVEN HAVE THE SAME PROFILE, OMG! He's probably super lazy in real life.
a man stole my online dating profile, changed the pronouns, and posted it as his own. I've always wondered how "male me" fared in online dating. Maybe somewhere out there a woman has fallen in love with online me. I could be the Cyrano de Bergerac of online dating....
Oh, great. Another raw vegan.
Yeah I missed this clarification in the last article and my Polak heart was hoping for tales of binge-eating pierogis, drinking vodka, obsessing over John Paul II, and lots of folk-dancing.