
What do you mean? Im pretty sure most composers own the music they do for games. Theyre just being contracted for use. Im sure its something like "cant be sold for 10 years after the game is made" or something along those lines. But after that its free game for said composer.

Grant Kirkhope is the composer of all the music, and it seems as though he got to keep ownership of all of it. Rare/M$ cant do shit

Step it up

Another note on the Mario Golf World Tour thing. Though they did have Day 1 DLC, it is also true that Mario Golf retailed for $35, rather than the standard price tag of $40 for most of their 3DS games. So, for $1 more than standard retail, you get extra stuff. That seems more than reasonable to me.

So jelly.

Correct, this is the official review. We waited until today to be sure we could be as thorough as possible.

Official response:

"Please understand!"

The real life equivalent of catching a shiny pokemon?

that was surprisingly more entertaining than the shit-fest that was Dragon Ball Evolution

Still better than Dragonball: Evolution

Already better than Dragonball Evolution.

Fresh from the Disney Vault for a limited time only:

I like this one more.

I guess she couldn't.....SAVE FACE.

Falcon is one of the first black superheroes to rise to prominence in comics. He had his own identity, his own history, and more importantly was his own hero. By making him the new Captain America they are negating that. They are overshadowing his accomplishments as a original black hero. Now in pop culture he just

Don't you mean *stabs in the stark* ;D

You are totally right. I begged and I mean BEGGED for Voltron and Transformers toys growing up. I was told no over and over. Only after some article reported that they were good for spatial development did my parents condescend to buy me one measly Voltron Lion (damn then for not having the black lion to this day!)

The problem (from the marketing execs' perspectives) is that even if girls want these toys, their parents are often reluctant to buy them, and extended family like grandparents would never even imagine the possibility of buying them. Kind of like how my parents refused to buy me a She-Ra action figure when I was 6 or