
No, I'm afraid you are wrong.
It's seen mostly from the fact that Talion had a wife while Garret did not.
Garret also did not carry around a sword.

Nope, that Shadow of Mordor's tutorial. I know 'cause I just played it.

For the player, yeah, that's correct. But assuming these items are sold—and some are!—then that means that they're acquired in bulk by either corporations, or groups of some sort. Obviously, it's reading into the situation a bit, but if we assume that's the case, then we can't always assume the practices will be good

Let's be honest, You're doing those Slowpokes a favor if THIS is their future...

have it for ps4 but i still think this shit is stupid.

"a pox on all you're houses" "im just been sopranoed"

In some Alternate Universe...

Lord knows what I'll be eating but I'm goin' in.

Man I loved the misadventures of the Airbending children. Its so fun to see them get the spotlight.

Yeah, I hope that's not the last of Toph. I want just one scene with the three surviving Aang Gang members together. They don't even have to say anything to one another.

Nintendo's gonna have tournaments, too.

54. I screamed and shouted like a little girl when I saw Mewtwo.

8 player, final destination, Fox only.

Nah, it's cool. I wasn't using those arteries anyway.

She is GOING to get that interview, dammit!

Glad to be of help. Seriously, these are a ton of work so I am glad people find them so useful.

Because this is a thing now. Perverts.


They're loving it. First shop contest, lets see how it goes.