
how long until a red neck can afford a Bugatti Chiron?


“He was able to escape and get into another car, which he drove to a car wash. After that all charges were suddenly dropped”

Jalop: “I hate lazy, boring automotive design. Make something interesting...”

It’s like an Aston Martin had a few too many drinks and the Prius didn’t technically say “no.”

Notably missing from the list is “my buddy’s Mustang” which always has way more power than Ford ever claimed.

turban-wearing Muslims

Or the woman with an African accent and a cold who was accused of having Ebola, even though the old white guy doctors across the aisle who had just been to a country helping with its Ebola outbreak confirmed they were more likely to be a threat than her (she wasn’t from a country bordering the outbreak).

Let’s see how many right-wing cliches we have here...

Also, the idea that 20 people from London would be uncomfortable hearing Arabic is laughable.

Trump: Delta is a failure, just look at all their past bankruptcies! If I am elected, we will all be speaking Arabic on planes...

Yes! Also. instead of “Recalculating...” it says “Oh cock...”

You have arrived at your destination

I hope more than anything, that he gives the wrong directions.

I raced once with a sprained ankle. You win.

Having raced pregnant, might I advise keeping some candied ginger in the glove box. Certainly helped me with the nausea!

Those who saw Evans expose himself said that it was no big deal.

Please tell me it keeps going and changes into a robot.

Worst forum shit storm ever seen? Easy. Go to any thread on Gawker or Jezebel, make a comment where you might appear to not be a left wing liberal nut job. You could tell them the sky is blue. However, if they even THINK you are a Republican (even if thats not the case), not only is the sky NOT blue, but you are an