
I bet he got off at the wrong station.

Speaking as a Ferrari owner; Ferrari owners who complain about how much their car costs to service and don’t drive them because they are worried about how adding mileage will effect the resale. A Ferrari is a complex high performance car it needs servicing even if it is just sitting in the garage note being used.

As soon as someone said salary cap I was out.

Came here for jealous, lame assed communist/socialist horse manure in the comments... wasn’t disappointed.

*honks nose*


Hold up, a group, nay, a small platoon of people are seen walking by, and no one was willing to give a fuck? The kid looks like a total dick trying to impress his what appears to be a sack of mashed potatoes with pink hair and legs..

$2 million cash? Pfft, that’s fiat money.

I think I’m going to be sick. That Miura was my father’s. Number 4906. He sold it to help pay for the family home in 1997... for less than 10% of what it would go for these days. I’m terrified to think of how expensive it has become, because it is my ambition to get it back for my family some day.

That coffee tastes like burnt shit water

As a Canadian, I just want to apologize for this horribly violent incident. As you can see in the footage, neither of those involved had their Timmies that morning.

In Sweden we don’t need warning labels for everything.

Judging people’s financial practices? That’s sad.

8) a loan for $4K? That’s pretty sad.

\unpopular opinion time: I think that thing was really cool....

10/10 would have threesome in McLaren F1.

Still one of the fastest in the world.

That Pininfarina coupe is unbelievably beautiful. I can never get over it.