
Well I don’t think a white person “should” play him, just that one “could”. Michael Jackson is a pretty unique situation from a casting perspective. No one would ever suggest that a white person should portray Chuck D or Diana Ross on screen.

Wait wait wait... I’m not black? Curious where you’re getting that from. I might have a surprise for you!

Translation: “I’m not sure why my argument is so filled with holes and inconsistencies”

I guess I don’t understand why you think a black man should always be played by a black man. Chinese people play Japanese characters all the time, it’s about finding the best person for the job with what’s available. Why can’t a white person be the best for this role? Why couldn’t a black actor play a white person if

Whether subconscious or not, he was moving toward a “white” standard of appearance. Not necessarily his fault, as he clearly had significant mental issues, but the fact remains that in his final years, he more closely resembled a white person than a black person. From there, do we pick a white actor to portray him, or

So why not darken the light patches? Michael Jackson wanted to look white. His nose, lips, cheekbones, etc were all sculpted to a traditionally Caucasian appearance. None of those things had anything to do with a skin condition.

Must be a Mercedes thing...

So then why did he bleach his skin rather than darken the patches affected by vitiligo? Why did he transform his nose to a shape more common among white people? Why did he thin out his lips? Perhaps he didn’t want to look white, but he certainly tried very hard to not look black.

Wouldn’t his identity be white though? He was born black, and had no control over that. But he chose to appear white, that was his chosen identity.

Michael Jackson wasn’t a light skinned black person. He chemically altered his skin tone to appear white.

Perhaps there wasn’t, and perhaps they did. Save the outrage until you actually know some facts. And why is it a problem for a white actor to play Michael Jackson?

We don’t really know if Michael even had vitiligo. If he did, he certainly “smoothed out” the light patches and made everything look white. And he also completely hid the condition from the public until the day he flipped the switch and turned all white.

But why should the actor be black? Why does it matter?

No, you’re not. You’ll never miss that $50 six months from now. In the meantime look up some of the pork belly recipes and pick one. Best thing ever.

No, you’re not. You’ll never miss that $50 six months from now. In the meantime look up some of the pork belly

I thought it was Guam?

Well to be fair, nothing works with a windows phone.

Well to be fair, nothing works with a windows phone.

Pretty sure Samsung is on the non-replaceable battery game as well...

Pretty sure Samsung is on the non-replaceable battery game as well...

That’s a lot of replies and words!

See there you go... comparing guns to anything else when no accurate comparison can be made.

Irresponsibly yes, but certainly as intended in the case of firearms.