I don’t know where you’re getting that idea from, regardless, it’s an entirely different situation.
I don’t know where you’re getting that idea from, regardless, it’s an entirely different situation.
Actually you’re just an incorrect cunt. Do you honestly think that RPMs would vary by much more than that on an open highway without cruise control? People tend to try to maintain a comsistent speed on the highway, cruise control just does a better job.
Actually I do. Seems like you have your own version though? Feel free to elucidate.
Or make it harder for them to get efficient, powerful weapons.
But I created the reason we’re talking...
It’s kind of all over the place. But I was initially replying to your specific comment (not everyone’s at once) that background checks prevent rapists from becoming cabbies. There was no mention of guns in that statement unless I missed some subtext
I don’t believe either of us was talking about being armed. But sure.
Are you saying that Americans don’t have the right to not own a gun?
I love your choice of language. You have the right to own a gun, you also have the right to not own one. So essentially both of us are choosing to “ignore” our rights.
Yes I thought of that, and many other scenarios. Bottom line, a real man doesn’t need a crutch to survive. I’ve gotten by my entire life not needing to carry a gun. Why do you think that is?
No ma’am. You stated that background checks prevent rapists from being taxi drivers. I am simply pointing out that this is not always the case
Then... how do they prevent rapists from becoming taxi drivers?
Yes. Against a “guy” with a gun. Any faggot can simply pick up a bigger weapon to gain the upper hand. What’s the point? A real man learns how to beat an opponent who is better armed.
It prevents convicted rapists from becoming taxi drivers. Big difference.
Or for you! Depends on a lot of variables that you can’t control.
You gun nut people are so weird
All the more reason to not be a pussy and be trained in hand to hand combat.
Thank you!!
I would assume health insurance premiums would be deducted from your gross pay, so the “take home pay” input would include have that amount already factored in.
Yup, the spreadsheet is rubbish for a number of reasons (the main one being that you can’t create a one-size-fits-all approach to budgeting). But beyond that problem: