
Jeez it looks like Trump saw this photo and decided to play dress up except he couldn’t get the pants color exactly right.

“Knowing damn well there were other women during their marriage”

Um... Eniko honey child wasn’t he just “caught” by photographers in a car making out with another woman? I’d be careful on that high horse... “You lose them, how you get them”

Maybe friends and defn family but work/coworkers? Some of these people can hide in the open. Smile in your face, hate you behind your back. It’s not a far stretch imo

Thanks everyone - just wondered and appreciate your answers.


I know why he said he’s holding it... just wondered if it’s procedure for police to hold their guns sideways while waiting for backup.

Is it normal for a cop to hold a gun sideways like that? And seemingly downwards?

Think I read somewhere they left him laying on black asphalt (you know the melting kind) for an extended amt of time , so maybe his arm was on it as well as his face it all seems like it’s on one side.

They should just release the remaining ones Netflix style!

The only reason I liked Batman vs Superman was when Wonder Woman showed up. They were in battle, she smirked and I fell in love.

Yeah you might be right. Usually the media has zero issue screaming from the top of mountains if someone is of color.

Yeah they could have taken the money from this and the get down and all of the sandler flicks iron first and that one with aston and used it on Sense8 since they say they can’t afford it (but won’t release ratings) bah to them!

You do sound insensitive (I don’t even want kids but can see that) but I digress... that being said, it’s not just 1,100

If you’re going to use a chart to prove a point... maybe try to get something that proves your point a bit better. The price list above is for Clomid and 3 ultrasound, IUI an additional $500, right

As much as I hate the rumors? reason about why they were separated - ie went out of the relationship and honestly I just couldn’t any more with Jesse after that. This man wants to continue a connection with his kids. She should let him. Full stop.

Sadly in this case.... (the story was updated) the kids tried to rob the dude.

Now... in many other cases, hell yes - it continues to be open season on black men (brown men!). But you can’t just pull a gun on someone, hit them over the head and hope for the best. Had the initial story been the way it went down I’d

May he never shave (just trim) because... whoosh! (don’t tell my husband I’ve a crush on another Chris now! - starlord hello?!)

I hope you took your mom to see it! I took my 70 year old mom, she loved it and said “it’s about time!”

Huh? The Black Flash is the name of the poster. He/she posted a link update on the situation from You know... The Associated Press.... They’ve been around for about 150+ years, I think they’re a little bit reputable.

And I’m out.

Dude... I loved it, no I LOVED IT. Everybody go out and see it twice! Show them women superheros directed by female directions can make $$$$

There were a couple of plot holes, as Dunlin mentioned, but I’m ignoring them because I just love her and the Amazons so much. And I loved that the Amazons were all races.

“The above poster’s witnesses?” How’d they get to be “my witnesses”? lol, okay anyways, the “above poster” was going off the initial story reported which The-Black-Flash all ready posted links and a few post to update the thread. And again as I said “I wasn’t sure about if they did try to rob him, that’s why I tried