
“ what person would continue to believe the job is still a dream job, for even a fraction of a microsecond, after three of her co-workers demand she suck their dicks, the very moment she walks into the office?”

A lot of the women going after Hollywood big wigs right now who were taken advantage of in similar and worse

Naw if you the cops/parking division, tell them someone has parked illegally on the sidewalk and lawn, immediate ticket, then the pd towing company would tow. 

 I wonder if she’s mortified that her image is being used to promote Trump

“I’m a real boy!” - Jared Pinocchio Krushner 2019

I hope her lawyers would name and shame the companies! So other folks who have fallen victim to their tactics are aware

Two entirely different countries. I could never see it happening in NZ but Oz maybe. Some of their politicians are as bad as the Repubs.

Oz has had quite a few shootings (non on par with us/NZ recently) even when I lived there and there are defn guns but maybe the thing is not as many people in the country = not as

“two witnesses backed up Hughes’ story”

It always cracks me up how shocked racists are when other people who look like them aren’t racist and confirm their racist actions. 

Black Women... if you feel singled out, if they pat your hair down. File a complaint report. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. And contact your local ACLU. They’ve been sued before for doing this stuff by Northern California ACLU. Take names and report them.

Most likely used as an example (see we pat white women with long straight hair down too) so they don’t look biased especially if you look like you’d not make too much of a fuss if they choose you. 

Sigh. He was my favorite Chris but can’t with the hateful religion intolerance stuff. I’m all for people believing in what they want as long as it’s not hateful towards others but his church... man. Yikes. Cancelled for me. It’s kind of like when I found out how hateful Adam Baldwin (Jayne from Firefly) really was.

6th and Spring in downtown LA? Yeah no I wouldn’t have helped either maybe call cops, definitely not laugh (that’s messed up) but wouldn’t have stepped in or encourage my partner to. even though he area is getting gentrified there are a lot of crazy ass people around there. 

Not all taxis have partitions. It’s not mandated any longer. They do have cameras but so do a lot of rideshare drivers now. The difference is rideshare companies also have the person’s info. Which sure can be faked but still that info could be there. IMO drivers for either are taking a risk, but don’t come here and

Yup. I was just sitting here thinking also... just how many times is one allowed to get divorced and married in his religion? Kinda always thought it was against the rules. 

Aw Jason my man... I don’t think we were expecting the greatest of the great (it is DC! come on now!!!) but that being said... as long as the Fishy Jesus is on screen imma eat my popcorn, watch him brute, smirk and twinkle and be happy. Take my money!

Yep this x infinity. If they were worried about his spending it would have been the way a honest person would have gone. And the funny thing is I wonder if he would have just given him a little $ had they asked, hell he gave her his last $20

Is petty the right word for it though? More like he threw some shade in the afterlife, regardless... I’m here for it as well. 

“What kind of vindictive society do we have now?“

The same damn one we had back when we were getting killed after being called that word.

And one now where black people will no longer be silent or still when yet another white person calls us a n*gger. In the past they (you?) got away with it time after time while

I don’t even care! Henry Cavill with that mustasche and those muscles had me like Superman who? Anyways they’ve been playing the old ones all over this weekend and I went back and watched a couple and you know... I kind of love all of the Mission Impossible movies.

Also.. like others aid, so much running. Like I want

“You can say your bank is racist which may or may not be true“ “A few bad eggs” Hmmm. I see you.

Anyways, I’m assuming you’re not of color so let me throw this out again... When someone says “you people” it’s a pretty good sign of where they fall in the racism spectrum.

So here’s the rest of the story for the people who don’t understand racial microaggression...

1. For a fee, banks will cash a corporate check that is written from the issuing bank at that bank (I don’t know the policy for personal checks). In my case it was a check written from a Wells Fargo account taken to a Wells