
Yeah I heard it this morning as well (thanks for posting the link).

I wasn’t sure about if they did try to rob him, that’s why I tried to steer clear of that convo. I get that it could have been reactive but shooting someone as they run away / laying on the ground? I have two minds about that (same as I have two

Beat me to it! and HAHAHAHAHA

I figured about 6-8 weeks shooting another 2 in post production. That’s why I’m thinking no way she saw the last episode and suddenly appeared.

It’s just off. It’s not an area where one would normally fear for their lives especially at 8pm at night (which is still very light and people are out and about).

Just in case I’m “allowed” to share the link...

Shaun King spoke of this this morning on his fb page and what the witnesses said.

Dont they preshoot these? As in the season is shot first and then they play them? Hmmmmmmm.

Wait what? A woman directed this film?! Yahoo!!!! I love it even more now :-)

Why didn’t they release it today again? ::sigh:: one more week.

I kind of wish there was no video, or the video taker made sure to not get his face in the photo. Sorry not sorry, she deserved it and I don’t want him to face charges ::shrugs::. Maybe she’ll think next time that word rolls off of her tongue. We are not our grandparents...

You know? My husband would have called the school up and told them they all needed to go home because I was about to come up there and talk about why my kid was suspended and he was afraid for them. :-/ I jest but come on now.

Sooooo.... is Xavier’s mom white? I say this because with the long history of black hair hatred I just can’t see a black woman using a sharpie on her kid’s hair to comply with a policy that involves hair after all the s**t we’ve went through/are going through when it comes to acceptance of our hair. 

Wonder if Kid Rock’s son was invited. #clearsthroat

Anyways... he can have those “celebs”. They’re ALL HIS.

Yes could definitely be honest disbelief as well. You often hear people saying xyz was such a good person how could they have done that.

He’s proven that he is open to killing random people as well so it could be a case of both, the man she used to know isn’t who we know and she also wants to protect herself, friends,

Maybe he’s the type that would prefer to be alone with his thoughts (maybe not) or maybe dive into work, something familiar. But neither of us know if that’s the way he grieves so it could be therapeutic for him (or it might not)

Yep! Maybe playing was his therapy. Had he gone home to be in his thoughts it could have been worse . Still... damn..

I was thinking that she said this because they haven’t caught him yet when in reality she’s like “He’s a fucking psychopath, I hope they kill him.”

He could still be on the hunt for her, her family and friends. I hope this what it is because... come on now.

And the claim of them offering 1k is iffy. The initial reports said 4oo and then 800. I’d like to think someone would have jumped at 1k maybe.... or maybe they should have just made the offer before folks sat down. We all know once you sit on a plane it’s like ahhhh finally.

Holy shit how horrific.

Yeah I just read they were must ride members ie crew members needing to get to another hub. BUT... still... they should have known before the plane was seated and if not, offer more than just the 400-800 they were offering. Not only is it bad publicity for them, it’s just wrong... you don’t treat people this way. I

The only people that they’re supposed to kick off of overbooked flights are non-rev (employees) passengers. My mom’s worked for airlines for over 40 years, I’ve flown just as much. Employees aren’t priority since flights are free (or discounted) revenue passengers always come first. I don’t know what the hell they