
Funny (in a not so funny way)... they were saying (in Los Angeles) that there were absolutely NO RAIDS going on and people were making it up. Guess they got caught lying so they had to come out with the truth :-/


I was all excited... sigh.

Melania Trump, a Disney princess? Get outta here with that madness. I recall seeing an interview with her demanding to see Obama’s birth certificate. It was unnecessary, cruel and racist. No dear, try again. Don’t let that “pretty” face fool you.

 ATVs are dangerous as fuck. Didnt kid rock loose a friend on a flipped ATV last year? Anyways poor kid, i really hope she pulls through unscathed

I think that people should stop soaking in information on culture from movies, instagram and sometimes biased news media sources and trying to put it on the US as a whole or make it their truth (about the US) when there are so many complexities involved. As you said, just like every country out there... there are

This! x 100

I hate when folks lump all Americans together... (Hell the majority of Americans didn’t even vote for this man :-( We loathe him just as much as other countries do are were as shocked as everyone else when he won) But the problem I think when other countries look at us, the rest of the world perceives us to be a

Just finished The Travelers, maybe I’ll binge on Crazyheads. I think there’s a celeb event being broadcast at the same time.

Looking forward to the day Twitter actually bans him because of something he said was reported.

Might want to update this? I just heard (on the news) that the guy had a knife (not a gun) was stabbing people with a huge knife. A cop was the shooter - he was shooting at the suspect.

That made me chuckle.

I think the same thing happened to me but I was taken by my cousins (I wasn’t allowed to see rated R movies). To this day stuff of nightmares!

I’ve watched up to the 4th episode and stopped. I’m just going to binge watch them I think. But agreed The Murphy’s evolution is defn interesting.

Jeez I love Z Nation. I’m not sure about the 3rd season though, hasn’t grabbed me as much as the first two but... I’ll still watch!

Wonder how much that’ll cost the taxpayers. Bet New Yorkers will be thrilled at all the closures.

I love Obama but absolutely hated when he came to LA, it’s all ready hard enough to get around, I couldn’t imagine it on a daily basis which is what I imagine New Yorkers will now have to put up with.

This. 100% Forced pleasantries suck.

I think Trader Joe’s though is an extreme example though like when you go there the cashiers are way too happy and always talk to you, it’s weird and feels extremely forced sometimes where as if you go to another grocery store you may get a hi and thanks but that’s about it... I

Fucking hell.

But completely agree with you here. “I bet these assholes didn’t consider what they were doing to be rape, justifying it because it “doesn’t count if she’s not awake” or “she was asking for it because she was stupid enough to get drunk/drugged until she passed out”, or something. Anything to justify

What I don’t understand is why the others decided to join in. I just don’t get it but I’m glad he got just as much time (more) than they did.

“pausing to get luggage and other trivial shit.”

I once saw this survival show that had actual events with responses and I’ll never forget it. One of them there was a plane that caught on fire in the rear, just like this one, and the people evacuating did just as these folks were doing - grabbing their stuff as the

In my mind I saw her hand come up and slap the ever loving hell out of him. Sigh. I feel bad for her having to put up with that shit. Wow. Can you even believe the gall?

I’m not even sure if it will, this woman had the same issue a week or two ago and she looks older but apparently not what the Delta crew thinks a doctor should look like.