
What’s so fucking scary about Vitalii Sediuk is the what ifs. What if a copycat sees his antics and think hey if he can get that close I can as well and takes it to the next level (with a knife)?

Hard to keep trying to gaslight the public when everyone (thankfully) has a cellphone. Keep filming folks!

I guess someone..... didn’t like that I pointed out the flaw in your response and is trying to censor / hide my original post. Shrugs.

Just in case you missed my more snarky response, OP said Team Jennifer. I responded to that. I wasn’t making a stand on if men were incapable of cheating. Had she mentioned JT, I’d

See... the thing is seeemmtee... GELLA - LLAP didn’t mention Justin Theroux in her post, unless I missed the mention of his name in her post? Please, let me know, I’ll be waiting.... crickets?

Noooo! Jenn stole JT from a gf of 14 years. Can’t be team her either. They’re all horrible-ish :-(

“They tend to get messy, although I’m not saying yours are, but you know what I’m talking about,”

And that’s messed up :-(

That Gigi Hadid story... Man I could care less about her either way but when I saw the photos I was PISSED. How dare he grab her? I don’t know the laws there but I’m hoping it’s enough to get his arrested and thrown in jail for a big. That guy has crossed the line before, but this it was downright scary full of what

I did not know that either, just didn’t question it. Thank goodness. I LOVE cheddar and swiss cheese as well

I can eat ice cream with no huge problem but milkshakes are not my friend.

Ha to put it bluntly... YES! Since my husband is allergic to it, it’s more than the shits (ha lordy that cracks me up this morning) it’s cramping and like having food poisoning for him. We’ve to read the labels of everything and ask whenever we go out.

I can’t drink milk but I can eat cheese (phew!)

Ha yeah tell that to the millions of adults who have a dairy intolerance or (as with my husband) who is extremely allergic to it. Almond/Coconut/Cashew (but not soy!) is all right to me/us/everyone who can’t stomach dairy.

Ding ding ding. You’re spot on. My thought is that its because those who haven’t had this sort of thing happen to them often in one way or another can’t relate. That’s it in a nutshell imo.

Once it happens to you more than once (daily, weekly, yearly) you begin to know the difference between someone being an

Remember the good old days when no cell phone service was available (except near center camp) so you’d literally be off the grid for a week? You could walk up to the gate and get a ticket up until the night before the burn? The population was way under 27k that really wouldn’t explode until Thursdays and though a few

After going to many a festivals in my youth (hell I still go to them now), and seeing way too many bare bums and other parts... I always knock before I open a stall door, just a simple tap tap. Maybe out of habit but glad I did, a few times I’ve heard “I’m in here” so phew dodged an embarrassing moment for both of us.

“an outfit respecting good morals and secularism”

Four men, telling a woman to undress or leave the beach because they deemed her outfit (which wasn’t even a burkini) what she was wearing, how she looked... not appropriate.

Let that sink in.

I liked the way you say it better.

Read a couple of weeks ago Twitter started implementing this new auto blocking tool, Taylor Swift was given it I suppose Leslie as well because the crap she recently went through.

Shoot... better check to see if I’m still on her page! I started following her when she couldnt find a dress maker. Love her.

Is it me or does he look like Scott Disick?

The model deserves an Academy for how she mostly kept a neutral smile with only hints of OMG. Just wow though. WOW.

What the fuck? I was just repeating what whiskeytango said which I assumed was in sarcastic jest when prefaced with a “maybe”. Don’t get your knickers in a twist grumpy. But by the looks of your responses to everyone, they all ready are as you’re on a roll, so I’ll just leave you with this....

I’m awake. I’ve had