
Since Metroid Prime, Halo CE, and Tales of Vesperia have all already been posted, I'll also mention Dead Space 2. As you go through the game, you'll notice it change bit by bit. Almost as awesome as the hidden message from the first game.

And while the money sits there, PayPal collects the interest on it.

"We have no indication that the company is not planning to make its console always-online. Even today, they're making no effort to deny it."

Looks completely disorganized, just like the Playstation Store.

They did show some interesting things (also some not-so-interesting things, like all that social integration). They also showed a bunch of multiplatform games. They closed with a multiplatform game (with a promise of exclusive content, but who knows what that will actually entail. For all we know it'll be the

Nope, I watched the whole thing. Killzone 4? It looked pretty, but it's still Killzone. Knack looked intriguing, Driveclub looks mediocre (but I'm not a huge Racing fan), and inFAMOUS is inFAMOUS.

I dunno. The first one looked sort of neat (Klank? I forget the name of it). Killzone blows and will never be able to compete with Halo, Call of Duty, or Battlefield (where was EA?). Is Driveclub even an exclusive?

If the console could read those old discs there would be no need for a streaming service. Putting a PS1/2/3 game in there will just result in a disc read error.

Bringing it hard by talking about a bunch of multiplatform games?

Of course BB code doesn't work here. Why would it?

Sweet citations bro.

It will be absolutely hilarious if this conference isn't PS4-related. It's plastered all over these articles like it's a foregone conclusion.

You keep saying "fancy new user account system," but that's something that the 360 has done since it launched. I didn't even realize the PS3 couldn't do something so basic until one of the other articles talking about this "fancy" feature brought it to light.

Seth starts out as your best unit and no one ever challenges him for that title. There's a reason they cloned him, gave him a sex change, and put him in two more games.

The other possibility is that new consoles aren't coming this year.

The only thing worse is one massive chunk of white nothingness on one side.

Also, I think Two Betrayals is the better snow level in Halo: CE, because it's a night, which always makes everything better (and you also can't skip 80% of the mission with the bridge jump).

Phendrana Drifts, pretty easily.

Should this not be titled "Rumour", not "Report"? None of this is substantiated by anyone willing to go on record.