
You say next Tuesday, nearly every EB Games and Best Buy in Canada says today. I picked up my copy about half an hour ago.

I would hardly call something the 360 has done with user accounts since its creation "fancy." I actually didn't even know the PS3 doesn't currently support multiple logins.

Yeah, it's too bad this awesome themed 3DS won't pixelate the hell out of most of my games (including the one with which it ships) with no appreciable upside.

Fire Emblem's DLC is totally legit.

Halo 4 has a definite Metroid Prime vide with its aesthetic.

February 4th needs to get here tomorrow.

.hack and G.U. were pretty underrated I think. Great games, and pretty decent anime/movie as well.

The Road is probably the most depressing movie I've seen.

Skyrim, Oblivion, Fallout 3/New Vegas. All FAR worse than AC3. Borderlands has a save-erasing exploit and a bug that resets your Badass Rank but not your challenges.

Chapter 4 Episode 5 is the generator defense on the magma level, and I don't recall any Elites in it. Spartan Miller was pretty tricky solo on Legendary, but that was the only one where I died a ridiculous number of times.

Default loadouts are there for low level people.

It's pretty arrogant of you to put words in my mouth too.

Ah, the old reverse-sexism.

Under 18? No you aren't. *hint hint, nudge nudge*

I've never had a Dashboard update take longer than fifteen minutes, and I've never heard of a PS3 firmware update taking longer than an hour.

Doesn't seem like they fixed the glitch that causes Connor's outfit to be dyed the default colour in all cutscenes. Bummer.

That's my point, though.

So, Halo 4 should be in Special Heaven for #4, since it imports your Gamertag's preference for y-axis inversion.

Yeah, Halo 4 should definitely be in Special Heaven for settings preferences, since not only does it save changes as you're fiddling, it imports the preferences from your Gamertag. If you have your tag set to invert the Y-axis, it'll already be inverted when you start the game.

Are we ranking in terms of the Campaign, or the Multiplayer? Or both?