
One week. Halo 4 comes out next Tuesday.

Only compatible with 4.0 and above, currently. I have they'll tweak it to work on Gingerbread later or not.

This was honestly the best news to come out of Nintendo at E3 this year. I cannot wait for this game to get here.

That's okay. Most Ubisoft videos are blocked for me and I live in the same country that the game was made in.

Played through KH:3D and Tales of the Abyss, and haven't touched my 3DS since. When we get Fire Emblem I'll pick it up again.

Well, by the time I figure out where my lower jaw landed, it'll be April.

Now playing

http://youtu.be/ Good? Yeah. One of the best ever? Not so sure about that.

Best episode yet.

"Kotaku has heard from a source that, beginning tomorrow, the Xbox 360's 250GB configuration, and the 4GB bundle that includes the Kinect sensor, will both get $50 price cuts at GameStop beginning tomorrow, lowering their price to $249.99."

Looks a lot more like AC2 Desmond and less like Revelations Desmond. This is good.

Now playing

If you watch the unedited version, you watch Connor kill a slew of bluecoats, plain as day.

Would pay money for that white Prothean outfit on the left as an alternate costume for Javik.

They aren't.

Supressor almost looks like the descendant of the Plasma Repeater/Rifle, in that it seems to drop shields very quickly. No idea what the secondary attribute is though.

My face when Halo 4 makes the worried list but not the excited one.

Very subtle of you to link your opinion piece on Gold vs Plus, which fails to account for general stability and security between the two services.

Only real spoilers are concerning Desmond's location throughout the game. You can guess at what's going on but nothing gets outright spoiled. Other than that, just stuff like how many Sequences there are.

No thanks. I like watching cutscenes, not words. The voice acting in Tales of Vesperia was fine, as it was in Graces F. Without the voice acting, you couldn't some of the fantastic cutscenes we have today, because no one would be able to speak during them.

Terribly misleading title.