
The Varia Suit, definitely.

Very subtle, Totilo.

What I meant was that there was no overall verdict for the Sony version. Unless the verdict is a reflection of the promises themselves, and is simply "pending."

The only reason I dread combat in Resident Evil is because of how painfully archaic it is. I don't feel anxious or frightened when I know there's fighting coming, I just get annoyed because it means it's time for some red-light green-light.

Unless I'm blind, there's no summary for the Sony recap. Can we get one?

How about when the Chief bitch-slaps a missile?

Ah, I've never played the Japanese versions. I also forgot Legendia had voiced skits. Although, they weren't all voiced were they?

I'm 95% certain that Vesperia was the first Tales game to have voiced skits. This is a direct port of Abyss from the PS2, so not having voice-overs for the skits does not shock me.

Doesn't seem to be up for North America. At least, I can't see it on Xbox Live in Canada.

I kind of disagree that taking down media sites proves that they have the capability to significantly hamper a software conglomerate like Microsoft, that has its customers' security in mind.

Can't say I love having words shoved in my mouth.