tevas with socks...
tevas with socks...
...and by writer. it's one thing to "follow", another to filter such that all preferred authors are prioritized at landing.
gawd that site sucks tile-balls...
it's not kinja per se - the implementation is strange. it often repeat-posts as chrome updates by scrolling; conversations happening in real time are sometimes nested next to a reply, sometimes not (purely chronological). maybe it's a chrome-javascript-don't-load-unless-viewing-now thing, but it makes my head hurt.
yes. 1000x
kinja needs a "reverse dismiss"...
i'll register in the likely worst thing ever column. fwiw.
+1 ab initio
is this a serious defense of something? what is this? how does this relate to smith's comments today?
there's trying...and then there's "trying"
that's great.
thick, thick, thick...
it's smarm-tastic.
like fish in a fucking barrel...
dartmouth on this guy...