
Disney Minus. The joke was right there. 

*What is* nothing but love for Alex and this contestant.

It’ll turn out that he was just misunderstood. Kylo and Rey become boyfriend and girlfriend. There will be a Jedi prom, the theme of which is Light & Dark. They’ll match their outfits, and go to Benihana. Kylo will end up puking peach schnapps.

But as we’ve learned, constantly attacking a candidate in every comment section on every forum, even if it’s not truly related to the candidate will have an impact.

<i>The Force Awakens</i> basically released from me from the desire to watch Star Wars movies anymore, but my first reaction back when Disney announced their concept was “Star Wars won’t be special anymore.” I have learned over time, with some frustration, that mass audiences are often not very like me, but I didn’t

I hope Satan plays Governor Ronald Reagan.

In other words: Werner Herzog is German.

And by “year” I assume you mean the entire year.


I don’t think this is a spoiler to them and their pretend girlfriends

I haven’t. Any suggestions?

“For you see, the criminal had no chance. Deep down in his dark, black heart he knew; cortosis weave fibers were blast resistant. Unable to be penetrated, unlike the two non moon entities of the Empire, forever enshrined in their fascist hearts. Stamped upon their memories like so much debris from a trash compactor.”

“Ordinarily I would not waste my time with something so vain and foolish as a diary, but as I have thousand years until the Sarlacc finishes digesting me, here goes...Chapter One: I Hate Luke with All My Soul...” ~ Werner Herzog, The Mandalorian

Turns out Anakin loved sand.

Demons don’t compress.

And if you try to regulate us, you’ll just make sure the future of death is Chinese!

Eh, I kind of just found it pretty standard manic and over-caffeinated YouTube-personality. Which is why I don’t watch a whole hell of a lot of YouTube personalities. 

I feel like more time could have been spent talking about how the app is 60GB. I need to know more.