Fun! I have yet to make it to the Ritz. Last Alamo downtown adventure I went on was at the old place. It's been that long.
Fun! I have yet to make it to the Ritz. Last Alamo downtown adventure I went on was at the old place. It's been that long.
That's so funny, Isha. My husband and I were talking about Strongbad this morning. Ah the days when we awaited for new sbemails.
Ditto to what inkpixie said. Pregnancy is awesome for me! Newborn and postpartum time though? Sucks.
I LOVE shaun the sheep!
Oh, I know what you mean. I am definitely NOT ashamed to admit how cranky and out of control I feel when I am running on fumes. Also, if a kid wakes me up in the middle of the night, I am the extreme crankypantsmonster. I am fortunate to have a husband who understands this and takes over nighttime comforting for me. I…
I teach childbirth and newborn classes to mothers who are using midwives (so a little crunchy is what I'm saying). Here's what I say about sleep: Your goal is to maximize sleep for the whole family. That includes you! If you sleep better with the kiddo in another room, then by all means, try it out. Sleep once you…
Definitely starring for The Office reference.
YES. Agreed.
Meh. This video didn't really impress me much.
I was thinking the same thing!
Sure, that sounds like a good compromise. (However, eating is still also natural. I just think natural has a wide descriptive range). I do like that we are for BF in public. That's awesome.
Oh I get your point but I just don't think the argument that breastmilk being compared to shit is fair. Yes; feeding, pooping, and sexual acts are all natural. However, we all feed in front of each other. So why shouldn't a baby be fed in front of others? Feeding is natural too, no?
You said it in your comment. Photos posted on FB help to normalize it.
I feel that by sharing BF photos, they are normalizing breastfeeding. We are coming off generations of bottle feeders and there are lots of people out there who have never even seen a women feed her baby by breastfeeding. So posting photos, doing it in public just helps keep it normal. Hopefully we will get to a point…
Wait. Are you comparing breastmilk, a substance that nourishes and grows a baby, to waste products and sexual conducts? Because they are not the same. No. It's a baby being fed. Also, the nipple is in the baby's mouth. If a mother is breastfeeding her baby, one will rarely see the nipple.
We used to have our department parties out on a party boat in an area lake. In the middle of summer. In the middle of Texas. It was hot. Very very hot. So I was probably dehydrated to begin with and I also started off the event with drinking.
It should just say "professional attire required" and then it would apply to both sexes. It's the wording that is getting everyone riled up.
What I am saying is that on me, tank tops and normal v-neck tops are 'low cut shirts that reveal cleavage' — which is right on the sign.
I have boobs. Rather large ones. I can't hardly wear any kind of summer or normal style shirt without having cleavage. Also, I like to wear v-neck tops and tank tops. Most of my professional tops also show a little cleavage. So YES. It is asking too much. Especially when I live in Austin and I know how fucking hot it…