
Sigh. This reminds me of the time I was preparing to squeeze my compact car into a tight parking garage spot that had a stone column next to it. My window was down. An older couple was driving by and I saw the man chuckle to himself, point me out to his wife and then turn my way and say "Do you want me to park that

I also live in Texas. Central.

You and me, both. When he stumbled towards the camera, my urge to reach through the screen and hug him was so strong. And then I felt a little embarrassed.

Do it for the boners, otter!

Lol! I know what you mean. I used to be a doula and now I work as a midwife assistant and my friends never remember which job I actually do. To be fair, they are closely related and the MA/doula do overlap at times.

BUT, there are some great MWs out there who do well-woman care...if you have lady parts. They can do

I am so glad for your reply. I was worried I came across as being rude or something. Thanks!

A doula can be a midwife assistant but not necessarily. A doula is a labor support person, providing emotional, physical support to the laboring parties but NO medical advice or support. A midwife's assistant can be someone trained to be an assistant, a RN, or a licensed midwife (or in training). Just the more you

I've worked at both of these establishments. Let's just say, it ain't pretty.

I had a mini freakout the other night. My sister is getting married this weekend. I am overweight and one of her bridesmaid. She doesn't care and thankfully hasn't sent me anything about losing weight. BUT I still freaked out thinking I was going to ruin all her pictures with the bridal party because of my fat body.

That's the exact reason I am choosing to participate in this thread too! He also loves my body even though I really don't right now. He is also a fuckin' awesome parent. I love watching him with our two girls.

I can't stop watching that gif and giggling. Well done!

Mature milk comes in after baby is born. Colostrum is enough for baby in the first three days if all is well with the latch and milk transfer. There are some cultures who truly believe colostrum is rotten or that it is not enough which simply isn't true. And even if a baby only gets colostrum and then switched to

In the breastfeeding class I teach, I tend to use the study that said mothers who want to breastfeed but can't (for whatever reason), that those babies did just as well as babies who were BF. Thinking about that study, then this one makes sense. In a way that I can't quite articulate because my baby woke up too damn


Oh, if you are not having babies, then do it! Now is the perfect time! I wish I had waited until I was in my 30s. They do have procedures that don't remove the nipple and do less incision around the areolas. Because of those newer procedures, that might help with sensation loss and scarring. Just be sure to do a lot

I did it back in 2000 when I was 19. I didn't realize at the time that I even wanted kids so breastfeeding was not that important to me. But then when I did have a baby, it was nightmare and I so wanted to do it.

Are there turtle ponds on every major campuses? I only know of one but I haven't been to very many campuses either.

I do that A LOT. Like every other work day. Have fun!